Vending machine control
Prerequisites: Study the functionality of Vending machine control.
Learning Objective: To develop the source code for Vending machine control by using VERILOG and obtain the simulation and synthesis.
Software and Hardware: Xilinx ISE 9.2i and FPGA Spartan-3E.
Verilog Code:
module vending ( input clk, input rst, input [1:0] coin, output [1:0] gd ); localparam IDLE = 3'b000; localparam RE1 = 3'b001; localparam RS2 = 3'b010; localparam SUCC = 3'b011; localparam FAIL = 3'b100; reg [2:0] state_reg, state_next; always @(posedge clk, posedge rst) begin if(rst) state_reg <= IDLE; else state_reg <= state_next; end always @* begin case(state_reg) IDLE: begin case(coin) 2'b00: state_next = IDLE; 2'b01: state_next = RE1; 2'b10: state_next = RS2; 2'b11: state_next = FAIL; default: state_next = IDLE; endcase end RE1: begin case(coin) 2'b00: state_next = RE1; 2'b01: state_next = RS2; 2'b10: state_next = SUCC; 2'b11: state_next = FAIL; default: state_next = IDLE; endcase end RS2: begin case(coin) 2'b00: state_next = RS2; 2'b01: state_next = SUCC; 2'b10: state_next = FAIL; 2'b11: state_next = FAIL; default: state_next = IDLE; endcase end SUCC: begin case(coin) 2'b00: state_next = IDLE; 2'b01: state_next = RE1; 2'b10: state_next = RS2; 2'b11: state_next = FAIL; default: state_next = IDLE; endcase end FAIL: begin case(coin) 2'b00: state_next = IDLE; 2'b01: state_next = FAIL; 2'b10: state_next = FAIL; 2'b11: state_next = FAIL; default: state_next = IDLE; endcase end default: state_next = IDLE; endcase end assign gd[1] = (state_reg == SUCC); assign gd[0] = (state_reg == FAIL); endmodule
module tb_vending; // inputs reg clk; reg rst; reg [1:0] coin; // outputs wire [1:0] gd; vending DUT (.clk(clk), .rst(rst), .coin(coin), .gd(gd)); initial begin clk = 0; rst = 0; coin = 0; end initial forever #10 clk = ~clk; initial begin #5; @(negedge clk) rst = ~rst; @(negedge clk) rst = ~rst; end initial begin #60; @(negedge clk) coin =2'b00 ; @(negedge clk) coin =2'b01 ; @(negedge clk) coin =2'b01 ; @(negedge clk) coin =2'b01 ; @(negedge clk) coin =2'b00 ; @(negedge clk) coin =2'b10 ; @(negedge clk) coin =2'b01 ; @(negedge clk) coin =2'b00 ; @(negedge clk) coin =2'b10 ; @(negedge clk) coin =2'b10 ; @(negedge clk) coin =2'b11 ; @(negedge clk) coin =2'b10 ; @(negedge clk) coin =2'b00 ; @(negedge clk) coin =2'b00 ; @(negedge clk) coin =2'b10 ; @(negedge clk) coin =2'b01 ; end endmodule
Result: Thus the program for vending machine has been verified and also simulation and synthesis reports have been verified.
Outcomes: After completion of this experiment students are able to design vending machine using Verilog code.
UpdatedOct 15, 2016