Swapping two numbers (using two variables)
- C Programming
- 13,809
- Dec 30, 2019
Swapping two numbers (using three variables)
- C Programming
- 8,316
- Dec 30, 2019
Performing arithmetic operations using switch...case
- C Programming
- 16,417
- Dec 30, 2019
Program to print the multiplication table
- C Programming
- 9,857
- Dec 30, 2019
Finding the number of 500, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1
- C Programming
- 14,933
- Dec 30, 2019
Printing addition table of the given number
- C Programming
- 9,899
- Dec 30, 2019
Program to print the multiplication table
- C Programming
- 8,364
- Dec 30, 2019
Finding the biggest of 3 numbers using if...else
- C Programming
- 8,241
- Dec 30, 2019
Biggest of 3 numbers using ternary operator
- C Programming
- 11,969
- Dec 30, 2019
To find the average of first n natural numbers
- C Programming
- 20,856
- Dec 30, 2019
To count the number of digits in an integer
- C Programming
- 5,869
- Dec 30, 2019
Program to find the sum of digits of an integer
- C Programming
- 6,683
- Dec 30, 2019
Print the numbers that are divisible by a given no.
- C Programming
- 46,657
- Dec 30, 2019
To print all the divisors of a given number
- C Programming
- 19,400
- Dec 30, 2019
Program for reversing an integer
- C Programming
- 6,831
- Dec 30, 2019
Program to find the sum of odd and even numbers
- C Programming
- 14,644
- Dec 30, 2019
Program to find the sum of fibonacci series
- C Programming
- 13,314
- Dec 30, 2019
Program to find the day of the given date
- C Programming
- 23,422
- Dec 30, 2019
To find whether the given number is even or odd
- C Programming
- 5,872
- Dec 30, 2019
To check whether the person is in teen age or not
- C Programming
- 13,838
- Dec 30, 2019
Check whether the person is eligible to vote or not
- C Programming
- 59,370
- Dec 30, 2019
To find the given no. is perfect no. (or) not
- C Programming
- 6,755
- Dec 30, 2019
To find the given no. is perfect square (or) not
- C Programming
- 9,786
- Dec 30, 2019
To check whether the given no. is prime
(or) not
- C Programming
- 7,055
- Dec 30, 2019
To find the given number is armstrong
(or) not
- C Programming
- 6,342
- Dec 30, 2019
To display only the positive elements of the array
- C Programming
- 5,208
- Dec 30, 2019
To display only the negative elements of the array
- C Programming
- 5,335
- Dec 30, 2019
To find the sum of VE & -VE elements in an array
- C Programming
- 5,025
- Dec 30, 2019
Program to read and reverse an array
- C Programming
- 5,470
- Dec 30, 2019
Program to find the factorial
of a given number
- C Programming
- 6,869
- Dec 30, 2019
Program to find NCR value of the given numbers
- C Programming
- 7,643
- Dec 30, 2019
Program to find the value of xn
- C Programming
- 6,251
- Dec 30, 2019
Program to find LCM
and GCD
of the given two numbers
- C Programming
- 10,210
- Dec 30, 2019
Program to find the roots of a quadratic equation
- C Programming
- 7,344
- Dec 30, 2019
Simultaneous equation using gauss elimination method
- C Programming
- 7,114
- Dec 30, 2019
To convert temperature in centigrade to fahrenheit
- C Programming
- 5,186
- Dec 30, 2019
To convert temperature in fahrenheit to centigrade
- C Programming
- 5,049
- Dec 30, 2019
To convert the given number (1 to 10) to characters
- C Programming
- 5,298
- Dec 30, 2019
Program to change an integer to words
- C Programming
- 5,131
- Dec 30, 2019
To convert a decimal number to a binary number
- C Programming
- 5,675
- Dec 30, 2019
To convert a binary number to a decimal number
- C Programming
- 4,920
- Dec 30, 2019
Program to calculate the cosine
- C Programming
- 7,693
- Dec 30, 2019
Program to calculate the sine
- C Programming
- 18,863
- Dec 30, 2019
Program to calculate the exponential
- C Programming
- 15,334
- Dec 30, 2019
Program to generate Floyd's triangle
- C Programming
- 5,433
- Dec 30, 2019
Program to generate Pascal's triangle
- C Programming
- 7,088
- Dec 30, 2019
Program to generate Trigonometric Table
- C Programming
- 14,775
- Dec 30, 2019
Program to generate permutation
- C Programming
- 13,142
- Dec 30, 2019
Program to generate magic square
- C Programming
- 35,338
- Dec 30, 2019
Program to generate odd and even numbers
- C Programming
- 13,463
- Dec 30, 2019
Program to generete fibonacci series
- C Programming
- 6,570
- Dec 31, 2019
Program to generate prime numbers
- C Programming
- 6,247
- Dec 31, 2019
Program to generate armstrong numbers
- C Programming
- 5,126
- Dec 31, 2019
To find sum of all the elements of the given matrix
- C Programming
- 5,169
- Dec 31, 2019
Find sum of diagonal elements of the given matrix
- C Programming
- 14,987
- Dec 30, 2019
Find smallest & biggest elements of the given matrix
- C Programming
- 23,224
- Dec 31, 2019
Find the sum of upper & lower traiangular elements
- C Programming
- 16,504
- Dec 31, 2019
To find the given matrix is a unit matrix
(or) not
- C Programming
- 4,935
- Dec 31, 2019
To find the given matrix is a unit matrix
(or) not - 2
- C Programming
- 8,839
- Dec 31, 2019
Program to transpose the given matrix
- C Programming
- 5,520
- Dec 31, 2019
Program to add the given two matrices
- C Programming
- 5,258
- Dec 31, 2019
Program to subtract the given two matrices
- C Programming
- 4,448
- Dec 31, 2019
Program to multiply the given two matrices
- C Programming
- 5,864
- Dec 31, 2019
Program to print the alphabets with ASCII
- C Programming
- 27,210
- Dec 31, 2019
To check the given character is vowel
(or) not
- C Programming
- 5,313
- Dec 31, 2019
Program to find the length of the given string
- C Programming
- 4,790
- Dec 31, 2019
To find a character is no./letter/special character
- C Programming
- 4,668
- Dec 31, 2019
To convert uppercase characters to lowercase
- C Programming
- 5,479
- Dec 31, 2019
Counting vowels, consonants, digits, special & words
- C Programming
- 27,904
- Dec 31, 2019
Program to concatenate
the given two strings
- C Programming
- 4,700
- Dec 31, 2019
Perform string manipulation using string functions
- C Programming
- 4,556
- Dec 31, 2019
To count no. of occurence of a character in a string
- C Programming
- 7,014
- Dec 31, 2019
Program to reverse
the given string
- C Programming
- 5,381
- Dec 31, 2019
To check the given string is palindrome
(or) not
- C Programming
- 6,483
- Dec 31, 2019
To sort
the given strings in alphabetical order
- C Programming
- 5,045
- Dec 31, 2019
Program to maintain student details using structures
- C Programming
- 95,598
- Dec 31, 2019
Program to maintain employee details using structures
- C Programming
- 115,105
- Dec 31, 2019
To find the length of the string using pointers
- C Programming
- 14,935
- Dec 31, 2019
To copy one string to another using pointers
- C Programming
- 15,773
- Dec 31, 2019
Concatenate the given two strings using pointers
- C Programming
- 11,344
- Dec 31, 2019
To compare the given two string using pointers
- C Programming
- 4,768
- Dec 31, 2019
Program to write and read data from a file
- C Programming
- 5,537
- Dec 31, 2019
Read integers and store odd & even no. in a file
- C Programming
- 17,306
- Dec 31, 2019
Program to maintain student details using files
- C Programming
- 25,746
- Dec 31, 2019
Program to maintain employee details using files
- C Programming
- 20,567
- Dec 31, 2019
Program to merge
the contents of two files
- C Programming
- 5,150
- Dec 31, 2019
Program to encrypt and decrypt
a file
- C Programming
- 11,907
- Dec 31, 2019
Program to search an element using binary search
- C Programming
- 6,686
- Dec 31, 2019
Program to search an element using linear search
- C Programming
- 7,905
- Dec 31, 2019
Program to sort the given numbers using bubble sort
- C Programming
- 5,438
- Dec 31, 2019
To sort the given numbers using selection sort
- C Programming
- 4,935
- Dec 31, 2019
To sort the given numbers using insertion sort
- C Programming
- 5,443
- Dec 31, 2019
Program to sort the given numbers using quick sort
- C Programming
- 5,206
- Dec 31, 2019
Program to sort the given numbers using shell sort
- C Programming
- 4,228
- Dec 31, 2019
To sort the given numbers in ascending & descending order
- C Programming
- 34,227
- Dec 31, 2019
Implentation of stack
using arrays
- C Programming
- 6,829
- Dec 31, 2019
Implentation of queue
using arrays
- C Programming
- 8,286
- Dec 31, 2019
Find the root of a equation using Bisection method
- C Programming
- 10,768
- Dec 31, 2019
Find the root of a equation using Newton Raphson
- C Programming
- 6,202
- Dec 31, 2019
To find the root of a equation using Secant Method
- C Programming
- 12,454
- Dec 31, 2019