Assignment - V

  1. Explain the principle of working of exponential sweep circuit with a circuit diagram. What are slope error, transmission error and displacement error?  Derive the expressions for these errors for the exponential sweep?  What is the relation between these three errors?
  2. Draw the characteristics of the UJT. Draw the circuit diagram of the relaxation oscillator and obtain the value of the frequency of the same.
  3. Explain the basic principle of working of Boot-strap time base generator. Draw the circuit diagram for the transistor based boot-strap time base generator and derive the expressions for Ts and Tr for the same.
  4. Explain the basic principle of working of Millar type time base generator. Draw the circuit diagram for the transistor based Millar time base generator and derive the expressions for the sweep speed error for the same.
    1. What are the differences between voltage and current time base generators?
    2. What are the applications of the time base generators?
    3. What are the various methods of generating a time base waveforms?
    4. Draw the circuit of a simple current sweep generator and explain its operation.
  • Updated
    Feb 18, 2014
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