Assignment - III
- How the minority carriers are distributed in a p-n junction diode during forward biased condition and the reverse biased condition.
- Draw the Ideal and piece wise linear model diode characteristics and explain.
- Explain the operation of a diode as switch with its switching characteristics. (which includes trr, ts and tt) What is reverse recovery time, storage time and transition time of a diode?
- Explain Zener break down(Zener diode) and Avalanche break down(PN junction diode) mechanisms.
- Explain the operation of a transistor as switch with its switching characteristics.
- Define the following for transistor switch
- Rise time
- Fall time
- Storage time
- Delay time
- Switch ON time
- Switch OFF time
- Explain the breakdown voltage consideration of transistor. Derive expression for BVCEO in terms of BVCBO.
- Explain the saturation parameters of transistor and their variations with temperature.
- Explain the operation of Silicon Controlled Switch (SCS) and give its applications.
- Calculate the min required for a fixed bias common emitter Si transistor, where VCC=10V, Rc= 1 K, Rb= 10 K, Vi= a square wave of 5V peak to peak. Draw the circuit.
UpdatedFeb 05, 2014