EDC Unit - III Assignment
- What is early effect ? how it it modify the V-I characteristics of BJT
- Calculate IC and IE for a transistor with αd.c = 0.99 and ICB0 = 5 microamps, IB = 20 microamps
- Explain the input and output characteristics of common base configuration with neat sketches.
- Why CE circuit if preferred than CB and CC configurations
- Differences between CB, CE and CC configurations
- Explain the input output characteristics of common emitter configuration with neat sketches
- Relation between αd.c and βd.c
- A transistor operating in CB configuration has IC = 2.98 mA, IE = 3 mA and IC0 = 0.01 mA. What current flow in the collector circuit, of this transistor when connected in CE configuration with base current of 30µA.
- Explain the input and output characteristics of common collector configuration with neat sketches.
- Calculate collector cureent, emitter current and β for transistor with αd.c = 0.995 and IC0 = 60 µA when base current IB = 100 µA.
- Determine the h-parameters of transistor CB, CE and CC configurations and draw its h-parameter model of each.
- Explain UJT structure and its characteristics with neat sketches.
UpdatedOct 14, 2015