EDC Unit - I Assignment
- Define cutin voltage and barrier potential.
- Derive the equation for Diode (Diode current equation) and discuss various parameters involved in the equation.
- Explain the construction and V-I characteristics of a tunnel diode with help of energy band diagrams.
- Find VT at 270C.
- Explain the basic structure of Varactor diode and explain its characteristics.
- Explain the V-I characteristics of PN diode in Forward bias and Reverse bias with sketches.
- Calculate dynamic forward resistance of silicon PN junction diode when applied voltage is 0.25V at T = 270C with I0 = 2µA.
- Explain Zener diode characteristics in reverse bias.
- Explain the principle of operation of a photodiode and its function as a variable resistance device. Give its applications.
- Define the terms given below with required equations
- Diffusion current
- Drift current
- Reverse saturation current
- Explain Zener and Avalanche breakdown mechanisms with neat sketches.
- Define the terms given below with required equations
- Explain the temperature dependence of Diode characteristics.( with T effect on V and I0)
- Draw and explain the basic structure of SCR and its characteristics.
- Determine forward current in case of PN junction diode with I0 = 10µA, Vf = 0.8V, at T = 300k, Assume silicon diode.
- Derive the equation for transition capacitance CT.
- Explain diode equivalent circuits.
UpdatedNov 24, 2019