EDC Unit - II Assignment
- What are PIV and TUF of a rectifier?
- A FWR supplies a load requiring 300V at 200mA.Calculate the transformer secondary voltage with
- A capacitor input filter using a 10µF.
- A choke input filter using choke of 10H and capacitance 10 µF, neglect resistance of inductor.
- Explain the operation of a Half Wave Rectifier and derive the IDC, EDC, PDC, IRMS, Ripple factor, efficiency and PIV.
- Explain the operation of Bridge Rectifier.
- Determine
- D.C. output voltage
- Rectifier efficiency of FWR with Ep(rms) = 230V , N1:N2 = 5:1, RL = 100O
- Explain the operation of full wave rectifier with input capacitor filter and derive the equation for ripple factor.
- Draw and explain the operation of Full wave rectifier with L-section filter and find ripple factor.
- Write the comparisons between rectifier and regulator.
- Explain Full wave rectifier operation and derive all the necessary parameters of Full wave rectifier. (IDC, EDC, PDC, IRMS, Ripple factor, efficiency and PIV).
- Draw and explain the operation of Full wave rectifier with p-section filter and find ripple factor
- In a full wave rectifier the required D.C voltage is 9V and the diode drop of 0.8V. calculate a.c r.m.s input voltage required in case of bridge rectifier and center tapped full wave rectifier circuit.
- Explain Zener diode as voltage regulator with varying line voltage and varying load.
- In a full wave rectifier using L-section filter L = 10H, C = 100µF and RL = 500O
- Calculate IDC, VDC and ripple factor for an input of Vin = 30sin(100pt) volts.
UpdatedNov 24, 2019