Design and Verification of Fixed Bias Circuits
To design a fixed bias circuit and observe stability by changing β of the given transistor in CE configuration.
- Transistors (BC 107) with different β values
- R.P.S (0-30V) 2 No.s
- Resistors (from design values)
- Bread board and connecting wires
Circuit Diagram:
Fixed Bias Circuit:
Fixed Bias Circuit:
- Given VCC = 10V, IC = 4mA, VCE = 6V, VBE = 0.6V, β = 100
- IC = IB / β
- Assemble the circuit on breadboard with design values of RC, RB and β.
- Apply VCC and measure VCE and VBE and record the readings in the table.
- Without changing bias resistors, change the transistors with other β values and repeat the above step.
- Repeat the above steps using the collector to base bias circuit and tabulate all the readings.
Fixed Bias:
β value | VCE | VBE | IC=(VCC-VCE)/RC |
100 | 6V | 0.6V | |
- The supply voltage should not exceed the rating of the transistor.
- Meters should be connected properly according to their polarities
Viva Questions:
- What are the applications of fixed bias configuration?
- What are the applications of collector to base bias configuration?
- What are the disadvantages of fixed bias configuration?
- How to overcome the disadvantages of fixed bias configuration.
UpdatedAug 09, 2015
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