Computation of N- Point DFT of a given sequence using TMS320C67XX/TMS320C6713 kit
Aim:To find the impulse response using TMS320C67XX/TMS320C6713 KIT
Operating System – Windows XP
Constructor - Simulator
Software – Code Composer Studio3.1v, 6713DSK Diagnostics.
USB cable
Power Supply +5v
void main()
short N = 8;
short x[8] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,0}; // test data float pi = 3.1416;
float sumRe = 0, sumIm = 0; // init real/imag components
float cosine = 0, sine = 0; // Initialise cosine/sine components
// Output Real and Imaginary components
float out_real[8] = {0.0}, out_imag[8] = {0.0}; int n = 0, k = 0;
for(k=0 ; k<N ; k++)
sumRe = 0;
sumIm = 0;
for (n=0; n<N ; n++)
cosine = cos(2*pi*k*n/N);
sine = sin(2*pi*k*n/N);
sumRe = sumRe + x[n] * cosine;
sumIm = sumIm - x[n] * sine; }
out_real[k] = sumRe;
out_imag[k] = sumIm;
printf("[%d] %7.3f %7.3f \n", k, out_real[k], out_imag[k]);
[0] 28.000 0.000
[1] -9.657 4.000
[2] -4.000 -4.000
[3] 1.657 -4.000
[4] 4.000 -0.000
[5] 1.657 4.000
[6] -4.000 4.000
[7] -9.657 -3.999
Verification in matlab
x = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,0] fft(x)
Columns 1 through 4
28.0000 -3.5000 + 7.2678i -3.5000 + 2.7912i -3.5000 + 0.7989i
Columns 5 through 7
-3.5000 - 0.7989i -3.5000 - 2.7912i -3.5000 - 7.2678i
UpdatedFeb 04, 2020
Generation of basic signals using MATLAB
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