To find a mean and variance of a discrete random variable
Aim: To find a mean and variance of a discrete random variable
PC with windows (95/98/XP/NT/2000).
MATLAB Software
clear all;
close all;
x=[1 2 3 4 5 6];
m = (1/n)*sum(x)
v = (1/n)*(x-m)*(x-m)'
n = 6
m =3.5000
v = 2.9167
1. What is Signal Modeling.
Ans: Small-signal modeling is a common analysis technique in engineering which is used to approximate the behavior of nonlinear devices with linear equations and signals.
2.Define Periodic and a periodic Signal.
Ans: If x(t)=x(t+T) then x(t) is periodic signal otherwise it is a periodic signal.
UpdatedFeb 02, 2020
Sampling theorem verification
Auto correlation and cross correlation between signals and sequences
Finding the even and odd parts of signal/sequence and real and imaginary parts of signal
Genaration of various signals and sequences
Computation of unit sample, unit step and sinusoidal response of the given LTI system and verifying its physical reliability and stability properties
Verification of Linearity and time in-variance properties of a given continuous/discrete system