What is Cartesian Product in SQL Server?
First create two tables Employee, Department.
Step 1: Create 'Employee' table here:
create table Employee(EmpId int primary key, EmpName varchar(30), DeptId int)
Step 2: Insert data into Employee table.
insert into Employee values(900,'AAA',501)
insert into Employee values(901,'BBB',502)
select * from Employee
EmpId | EmpName | DeptId |
900 | AAA | 501 |
901 | BBB | 502 |
Step 3: Create 'Department' table here:
create table Department(DeptCode varchar(5) primary key, DeptName varchar(18))
Step 4: Inser data into Department table.
insert into Department values('CSE','This is CSE Department')
insert into Department values('ECE','This is ECE Department')
insert into Department values('EEE','This is EEE Department')
insert into Department values('MECH','This is Mechanical Department')
insert into Department values('IT','This is IT Department')
select * from Department
DeptCode | DeptDescription |
CSE | This is CSE Department |
ECE | This is ECE Department |
EEE | This is EEE Department |
IT | This is IT Department |
MECH | This is Mechanical Department |
Catresian Product:
select * from <Table1>, <Table2>
select * from Employee, Department
EmpId | EmpName | DeptId | DeptCode | DeptDescription |
900 | AAA | 501 | CSE | This is CSE Department |
900 | AAA | 501 | ECE | This is ECE Department |
900 | AAA | 501 | EEE | This is EEE Department |
900 | AAA | 501 | IT | This is IT Department |
900 | AAA | 501 | MECH | This is Mechanical Department |
901 | BBB | 502 | CSE | This is CSE Department |
901 | BBB | 502 | ECE | This is ECE Department |
901 | BBB | 502 | EEE | This is EEE Department |
901 | BBB | 502 | IT | This is IT Department |
901 | BBB | 502 | MECH | This is Mechanical Department |
If Table1 has 2 rows and Table2 has 5 rows then the Cartesian product of Table1 and Table2 is 10 rows. i.e., (Table1 rows * Table2 rows) = 10.
CreatedJul 07, 2013
UpdatedOct 03, 2020
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