How to get current week dates in SQL Server?
-- Declare temporary variables @day, @today.
Declare @day INT, @today SMALLDATETIME
-- Assign values to temporary variables.
-- Now see the output for @today:
Select @today as [Today]
Note: Here iām truncating the time part from current date.
Set @day = DATEPART(dw, @today)
-- Now see the output for @today:
Select @day as [Day]
Note: Here ā4ā means 4th day of current week. So it is Wednesday. But when you are euting this script, your output may or may not differ. If you got 3 as your output, means current day is Tuesday.
-- Declare temporary table '@WeekDateDay'.
Declare @WeekDateDay Table ( DayName varchar(20), Date SMALLDATETIME )
-- Inser data into '@WeekDateDay' table.
Select 'Sunday', DATEADD(dd, 1 - @day, @today)
union all
Select 'Monday',DATEADD(dd, 2 - @day, @today)
union all
Select 'Tuesday',DATEADD(dd, 3 - @day, @today)
union all
Select 'Wednesday',DATEADD(dd, 4 - @day, @today)
union all
Select 'Thursday',DATEADD(dd, 5 - @day, @today)
union all
Select 'Friday',DATEADD(dd, 6 - @day, @today)
union all
Select 'Saturday',DATEADD(dd, 7 - @day, @today)
-- Now see the output for Current Week dates.
select * from @WeekDateDay
When to use
Example 1: If you want to display current week travelers list
-- Select Current Week Travelers List.
select *
from dbo.trnxTicket
where DepartureDate in (select Date from @WeekDateDay)
Example 2: If you want to display current week interviews list
-- Select Current Week Interviewers List.
select *
from dbo.trnxInterview
where InterViewDate in (select Date from @WeekDateDay)
CreatedJul 10, 2013
UpdatedOct 03, 2020
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