How to replace string in SQL Server?
Here i will give an example how to replace a substring in a string in SQL Server.
For example you want to change domain in Employee email addresses in 'EmployeeDetails' table.
In the below example i am replacing EmailId from "" to "" in 'EmployeeDetails' Table .
Example: 1)
Declare @txt1 varchar(50)
set @txt1 = ''
/* Here i am replacing to */
set @txt1 = REPLACE(@txt1, '', '')
select @txt1
Exmple: 2)
You can also update employee emailid in 'EmployeeDetails' table.
-- before update EmailID = ''
update EmployeeDetals
set EmailID = REPLACE(EmailID, '', '')
where EmployeeCode = 3151
-- After updating EmailID = ''
CreatedAug 20, 2013
UpdatedOct 03, 2020
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