Anonymous Batches in SQL Server
In this article i will explain about Anonymous Batches in SQL Server.
In previous articles i explained about joins, and Batches. Now i will explain about Anonymous Batches in SQL Server.
A batch is a group of sql statements. Which are executed as unit. Two types of batches are there. 1). Anonymous Batches and 2). Named Batches
1. Anonymous Batches:
A group of statements which can't be reffered by a name. Then that group/batch is called Anonymous Batches.
Declare @a int
Declare @b int
Set @a = 10
Set @b = 20
Declare @c int
Set @c = @a + @b;
print 'Sum is: '+cast(@c as varchar)
Sum is: 30
Here @a, @b, and @c are Local variables.
CreatedDec 21, 2013
UpdatedOct 03, 2020
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