II Year B.Tech. Ag. Engg I Sem. L T/P/D C
- -/3/- 2


  1. Survey of an area by chain survey (closed traverse) & Plotting
  2. Determination of distance between two inaccessible points with compass.
  3. Surveying of a given area by prismatic compass (closed traverse) and plotting after adjustment.
  4. Radiation method, intersection methods by plane Table survey
  5. Two point and three point problems in plane table survey
  6. Fly leveling (differential leveling)
  7. An exercise of L.S and C.S and plotting
  8. One exercise on contouring.
  9. Study of theodolite in detail - practice for measurement of horizontal and vertical angles.
  10. Measurement of horizontal angles by method of repetition and reiteration.
  11. Trigonometric Leveling - Heights and distance problem (Two Exercises)
  12. Heights and distance using Principles of tacheometric surveying (Two Exercises)
  13. Area determination, traversing contouring using total station
  14. Determination of remote height and state out using total station
  15. Distance, gradient, Diff, height between tow inaccessible points using total station

List of Major Equipment:

  1. Chains, tapes, Ranging rods, cross staff, arrows
  2. Compasses and Tripods, Optical square.
  3. Plane tables, Alidade, Plumbing fork, trough compasses
  4. Leveling instruments and leveling staves
  5. Box sextants, planimeter.
  6. Theodolites, and leveling staffs.
  7. Tachometers.
  8. Total station.
  • Created
    Jul 29, 2016
  • Updated
    Jul 29, 2016
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