B.Tech. II Year II Sem. L T/P/D C
3 0/0/0 3
Pre-Requisites: Strength of Materials - I
Course Objectives: The objective of this Course is
- To understand the nature of stresses developed in simple geometries shafts, springs, columns &cylindrical and spherical shells for various types of simple loads
- To calculate the stability and elastic deformation occurring in various simple geometries for different types of loading.
- To understand the unsymmetrical bending and shear center importance for equilibrium conditions in a structural member of having different axis of symmetry.
Course Outcome: On completion of the course, the student will be able to:
- Describe the concepts and principles, understand the theory of elasticity, and perform calculations, relative to the strength of structures and mechanical components in particular to torsion and direct compression;
- To evaluate the strains and deformation that will result due to the elastic stresses developed within the materials for simple types of loading
- Analyze strength and stability of structural members subjected to Direct, and Direct and Bending stresses;
- Understand and evaluate the shear center and unsymmetrical bending.
- Frame an idea to design a system, component, or process
TORSION OF CIRCULAR SHAFTS: Theory of pure torsion – Derivation of Torsion equation - Assumptions made in the theory of pure torsion – Polar section modulus – Power transmitted by shafts – Combined bending and torsion – Design of shafts according to theories of failure.
SPRINGS: Introduction – Types of springs – deflection of close and open coiled helical springs under axial pull and axial couple – springs in series and parallel.
COLUMNS AND STRUTS: Introduction – Types of columns – Short, medium and long columns – Axially loaded compression members – Crushing load – Euler’s theorem for long columnsassumptions - derivation of Euler’s critical load formulae for various end conditions – Equivalent length of a column – slenderness ratio – Euler’s critical stress – Limitations of Euler’s theory– Long columns subjected to eccentric loading – Secant formula – Empirical formulae –– Rankine – Gordon formula - Straight line formula – Prof. Perry’s formula.
BEAM COLUMNS: Laterally loaded struts – subjected to uniformly distributed and concentrated
DIRECT AND BENDING STRESSES: Stresses under the combined action of direct loading and bending moment, core of a section – determination of stresses in the case of retaining walls, chimneys and dams – conditions for stability-Overturning and sliding – stresses due to direct loading and bending moment about both axis.
THIN CYLINDERS: Thin seamless cylindrical shells – Derivation of formula for longitudinal and circumferential stresses – hoop, longitudinal and Volumetric strains – changes in dia, and volume of thin cylinders – Thin spherical shells.
THICK CYLINDERS: Introduction - Lame’s theory for thick cylinders – Derivation of Lame’s formulae – distribution of hoop and radial stresses across thickness – design of thick cylinders – compound cylinders – Necessary difference of radii for shrinkage.
UNSYMMETRICAL BENDING: Introduction – Centroidal principal axes of section –Moments of inertia referred to any set of rectangular axes – Stresses in beams subjected to unsymmetrical bending – Principal axes – Resolution of bending moment into two rectangular axes through the centroid – Location of neutral axis.
SHEAR CENTRE: Introduction - Shear centre for symmetrical and unsymmetrical (channel, I, T and L) sections
- Strength of Materials by R.K Rajput, S. Chand & Company Ltd.
- Mechanics of Materials by Dr. B. C Punmia, Dr. Ashok Kumar Jain and Dr. Arun Kumar Jain
- Strength of Materials by R. Subramanian, Oxford University Press.
- Mechanics of Materials by R.C. Hibbeler, Pearson Education
- Engineering Mechanics of Solids by Popov E.P. Prentice-Hall Ltd
- Strength of Materials by T.D.Gunneswara Rao and M.Andal, Cambridge Publishers
- Strength of Materials by R. K. Bansal, Lakshmi Publications House Pvt. Ltd.
- Fundamentals of Solid Mechanics by M. L. Gambhir, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd
CreatedOct 18, 2021
UpdatedOct 18, 2021