II Year B.Tech. CE. II-Sem L T/P/D C
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Torsion of Circular Shafts: Theory of pure torsion - Derivation of Torsion equations : T/J = q/r - N/L - Assumptions made in the theory of pure torsion - Torsional moment of resistance - Polar section modulus - Power transmitted by shafts - Combined bending and torsion and end thrust - Design of shafts according to theories of failure.
Springs: Introduction - Types of springs - deflection of close and open coiled helical springs under axial pull and axial couple - springs in series and prallel - Carriage or leaf springs.
Columns and Struts: Introduction - Types of columns - Short, medium and long columns - Axially loaded compression members - Crushing load - Euler's theorem for long columns - assumptions - derivation of Euler's critical load formulae for various end conditions - Equivalent length of a column - slenderness ratio - Euler's critical stress - Limitations of Euler's theory - Rankine - Gordon formula - Long columns subjected to eccentric loading - Secant formula - Emirical formulae - Straight line formula - Prof. Perry's formula.
Beams Curved in Plan: Introduction - circular beams loaded uniformly and supported on symmetrically place Columns - Semi-circular beam simply-supported on three eqully spaced supports.
Beam Columns: Laterally loaded struts - subjected to uniformly distributed and concentrated loads - Maximum B.M. and stress due to transverse and lateral loading.
Direct and Bending Stresses: Stresses under the combined action of direct loading and bending moment, core of a section - determination of stresses in the case of chimneys, retaining walls and dams - conditions for stability stresses due to direct loading and bending moment about both axis.
Unsymetrical Bending: Introduction - Centroidal priciapl axes of section - Graphical method for locating principal axes - Moments of inertia reffered to any set of rectangular axes - Stresses in beams subjectd to unsymmetrical bending - Principal axes - Resolution of bending moment into two rectangular axes through the centroid - Location of neutral axis - Deflection of beams under unsymmetrical bending.
Shear Centre: Introduction - Shear centre for symmetrical and unsymmetrical(channel, I, T and L) sections
Thin Cylinders: Thin seamless cylindrical shells - Derivation of formula for longitudinal and circumferential stresses - hoop, longitudinal and Volumetric strains - changes in dia, and volume of thin cylinders -Thin spherical shells.
Thick Cylinders: Introduction Lame's theory for thick cylinders -Derivation of Lame's formulae - distribution of hoop and radial stresses across thickness - design of thick cylinders - compound cylinders - Necessary difference of radii for shrinkage - Thick spherical shells.
- Strength of Materials by R.K.Bansal, Lakshmi Publications House Pvt. Ltd.
- Strength of Materials by R.K.Rajput, S.Chand & Company Ltd.
- Mechanics of Materials by Gere, Cengage Learning Pvt. Ltd.
- Fundamentals to Solid Mechanics by M.L.Gambhir, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
- Introduction to Strength of Material by U.C.Jindal, Galgotia Publications Pvt. Ltd.
- Strength of Materials by Bhattacharya, Cengage Learning
- Strength of Materials by D.S Prakash Rao, Universities Press Pvt. Ltd.
- Strength of Materials by S.S.Rattan, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd.
- Strength of Materials by R.Subramanian, Oxford University Press.
- Mechanics of Materials by Ferdinand P.Beer et al., Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd.
CreatedDec 31, 2014
UpdatedDec 31, 2014