II Year B.Tech. Ag. Engg I Sem. L T/P/D C
4 -/-/- 4

Objective: To enable the students to know about different materials used for engineering constructions like buildings, roads, farm structures and metals and other materials for manufacturing farm equipment, implements, dairy and food processing equipment.

Unit - I:

Properties of Engineering Materials, Classifications of Rocks, Sources of Stones and Natural bed of Stones, Properties, Varieties and uses of stones, Properties, Composition and uses of Bricks, Classification and tests of bricks, Properties, varieties and uses of Tiles, Properties, varieties and uses of Lime, Properties, varieties and uses of Cement, Properties, varieties and uses of Cement Mortar, Properties, Varieties and uses of Concrete, Properties, varieties and uses of Sand, Properties, varieties and uses of Paints, Properties, varieties and uses of Varnishes, Properties, varieties and uses of Distempers.Characteristics and uses of Glass, Characteristics and uses of Rubber, Characteristics and uses of Plywood, Characteristics and uses of Plastics,

Unit - II:

Characteristics and uses of Wrought Iron, Characteristics and uses of Cast Iron, Characteristics and uses of Steel, Characteristics and uses of Aluminium, Characteristics and uses of Copper, Characteristics and uses of Nickel, Alloys of Aluminium and its properties, Alloys of Copper and its properties, Alloys of Nickel and its properties, Definition and Types of Timber, Seasoning of Timber, Industrial Timber and uses of Timber, Methods of heat treatment of Steel.

Unit - III:

Introduction – Stresses, Tensile, Compressive and Shear-strains, Units-Elastic Curve- Elastic Limit – Poisons Ratio, Stresses in uniformity tapered circular sections- Stresses in bars of composite , Sections, Thermal Stresses and Strains in simple bars and composite bars, Elastic Constants- Young’s Modulus (E), Bulk Modulus 9K0 and shear Modulus (G)- Relation between them, Stresses on oblique planes, Mohr’s Circle method- Direct stresses in one plane, Direct Stresses in two planes- accompanied by shear stress, Deflection of beams, Relation between slope, deflection and radios of curvature. Methods of finding out slopes & deflections of beams, Double integration method. Slope and Deflection equations off a simply supported beam with a central point load

Unit - IV:

Simply supported beam with eccentric point load. Simply supported beam with a uniformly distributed load, Columns and Struts, Euler’s column theory. Assumptions of Euler’s column theory, Buckling load-derivations, Types of end conditions of columns; both ends hinged, both ends fixed, one end fixed and other hinged, Expression for buckling load of a column with one end fixed other free- with one end fixed and other hinged Expression for buckling load of a column with both ends hinged- with both ends
Fixed Types of end conditions of columns; both ends hinged, both ends fixed, one end fixed and other is hinged & one end fixed and other end is free. Types of end conditions of columns; both ends hinged, both ends fixed, one end fixed and other is hinged & one end fixed and other end is free. Limitations of euler’s formula- Rankine’s formula for columns.

Unit - V:

Riveted joints, types of joints- strength of a rivet and riveted joint-efficiency of a riveted joint Design of riveted joints, Eccentric riveted connections, Welded joist, types of welded joints, Strength of welded joints, technical terms. Design of welded joints, eccentric welded joints. Design of welded joints, eccentric welded joints. Dams, forces acting, stressed at the base of dam. Stability of dams, design of base width of dams. Propped cantilever and beams – Deflection and slope Equations, Fixed and continuous beams – Deflection and Slope Equations, Super position theorem – claypeyron’s theorem of three moments, Application of Clayperon’s theorem of three moments, Moment distribution methods. Analysis of statistically indeterminate beams.


  1. Engineering Materials, Rangwala, S.C.1994. Charotar Publishing House, Anand.
  2. Strength of Materials by Ramamrutham S. 2003. Dhanapathrai & Sons, Nai Sarak, New Delhi.


  1. Material of constructions Deshpande RS 1977. United Book Corporation, Poona.
  2. Manufacturing Process. Hazra Choudhury 1985. Media Promoters and Publishers Private Limited, Bombay.
  3. Workshop Technology (Part-I) Chapman W.A.J. 1994. Aronold Publishers, New Delhi.
  4. Engineering Materials. Rangwala S.C. 1994. Charotar Publishing House, Anand.
  5. Mechanics of Structures (Vol.I) Junarkar S.B. 2001 - Charotar Publishing House, Anand.
  • Created
    Jul 29, 2016
  • Updated
    Jul 29, 2016
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