B.Tech. II Year I Sem. L T/P/D C

3 0/0/0 3

Pre-requisites: None

Course Objectives:

  • To teach the process-level dependence of manufacturing systems through tolerances
  • To expose the students to a variety of manufacturing processes including their suitability and capabilities.
  • To teach the important effects that manufacturing processes may have on the material properties of the processed part with a focus on the most common processes.
  • To teach the thermal and mechanical aspects, such as force, stress, strain and temperature of the most common processes.
  • To provide a technical understanding of common processes to aid in appropriate process selection for the material and required tolerances
  • To provide a technical understanding of common processes to aid in appropriate material selection for a predetermined process.

Course Outcomes: Student will be able to :

  • Understand the idea for selecting materials for patterns.
  • Know Types and allowances of patterns used in casting and analyze the components of moulds.
  • Design core, core print and gating system in metal casting processes
  • Understand the arc, gas, solid state and resistance welding processes.
  • Develop process-maps for metal forming processes using plasticity principles.
  • Identify the effect of process variables to manufacture defect free products.


Casting: Steps involved in making a casting – Advantage of casting and its applications; Patterns - Pattern making, Types, Materials used for patterns, pattern allowances; Properties of moulding sands. Methods of Melting - Crucible melting and cupola operation – Defects in castings; Principles of Gating – Requirements – Types of gates, Design of gating systems – Riser – Function, types of Riser and Riser design. Casting processes – Types – Sand moulding, Centrifugal casting, die- casting, Investment casting, shell moulding; Solidification of casting – Solidification of pure metal, Directional Solidification.


Welding: Classification – Types of welds and welded joints; Welding Positions - Gas welding - Types, oxy-fuel gas cutting – standard time and cost calculations. Arc welding, forge welding, submerged arc welding, Resistance welding, Thermit welding.


Inert Gas Welding _ TIG Welding, MIG welding, Friction welding, Friction Stir Welding, induction welding, explosive welding, Laser Welding; Soldering and Brazing; Heat affected zone in welding. Welding defects – causes and remedies; destructive and non- destructive testing of welds.


Hot working, cold working, strain hardening, recovery, recrystallisation and grain growth. Sheet metal Operations: Stamping, Blanking and piercing, Coining, Strip layout, Hot and cold spinning – Bending and deep drawing. Rolling fundamentals – theory of rolling, types of Rolling mills and products. Forces in rolling and power requirements. Drawing and its types – wire drawing and Tube drawing –. Types of presses and press tools. Forces and power requirement in the above operations.


Extrusion of Metals: Basic extrusion process and its characteristics. Hot extrusion and cold extrusion - Forward extrusion and backward extrusion – Impact extrusion – Extruding equipment – Tube extrusion, Hydrostatic extrusion. Forces in extrusion

Forging Processes: Forging operations and principles – Tools – Forging methods – Smith forging, Drop Forging – Roll forging – Forging hammers: Rotary forging – forging defects – cold forging, swaging, Forces in forging operations.

High Energy Rate Forming Processes: Limitations, Principles of Explosive Forming, Electro-hydraulic Forming, Electro-magnetic forming and rubber pad Forming.


1. Manufacturing Technology / P.N. Rao Vol.1 & 2 / Mc Graw Hill

2. Manufacturing Engineering & Technology / Serope Kalpakjian / Steven R. Schmid / Pearson


1. Metal Casting / T.V Ramana Rao / New Age

2. Production Technology / G. Thirupathi Reddy / Scitech

3. Manufacturing Processes/ J.P. Kaushish / PHI Publications

  • Created
    Dec 19, 2020
  • Updated
    Dec 19, 2020
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