IV Year B.Tech EEE I-Sem T P C
4+1* 0 4

Objective :

This course introduces formation of Z bus of a transmission line, power flow studies by various methods. It also deals with short circuit analysis and analysis of power system for steady state and transient stability.

UNIT - I Power System Network Matrices-1

Graph Theory: Definitions, Bus Incidence Matrix, Ybus formation by Direct and Singular Transformation Methods, Numerical Problems.

UNIT - II Power System Network Matrices-2

Formation of ZBus: Partial network, Algorithm for the Modification of ZBus Matrix for addition element for the following cases: Addition of element from a new bus to reference, Addition of element from a new bus to an old bus, Addition of element between an old bus to reference and Addition of element between two old busses (Derivations and Numerical Problems).- Modification of ZBus for the changes in network ( Problems )

UNIT – III Power flow Studies-1

Necessity of Power Flow Studies – Data for Power Flow Studies – Derivation of Static load flow equations – Load flow solutions using Gauss Seidel Method: Acceleration Factor, Load flow solution with and without P-V buses, Algorithm and Flowchart. Numerical Load flow Solution for Simple Power Systems (Max. 3-Buses): Determination of Bus Voltages, Injected Active and Reactive Powers (Sample One Iteration only) and finding Line Flows/Losses for the given Bus Voltages.

UNIT – IV Power flow Studies-2

Newton Raphson Method in Rectangular and Polar Co-Ordinates Form: Load Flow Solution with or without PV Busses- Derivation of Jacobian Elements, Algorithm and Flowchart. Decoupled and Fast Decoupled Methods.- Comparison of Different Methods – DC load Flow

UNIT – V Short Circuit Analysis-1

Per-Unit System of Representation. Per-Unit equivalent reactance network of a three phase Power System, Numerical Problems.

Symmetrical fault Analysis: Short Circuit Current and MVA Calculations, Fault levels, Application of Series Reactors, Numerical Problems.

UNIT – VI Short Circuit Analysis-2

Symmetrical Component Theory: Symmetrical Component Transformation, Positive, Negative and Zero
sequence components: Voltages, Currents and Impedances.

Sequence Networks: Positive, Negative and Zero sequence Networks, Numerical Problems.

Unsymmetrical Fault Analysis: LG, LL, LLG faults with and without fault impedance, Numerical Problems.

UNIT – VII Power System Steady State Stability Analysis

Elementary concepts of Steady State, Dynamic and Transient Stabilities.
Description of: Steady State Stability Power Limit, Transfer Reactance, Synchronizing Power Coefficient, Power Angle Curve and Determination of Steady State Stability and Methods to improve steady state stability.

UNIT – VIII Power System Transient State Stability Analysis

Derivation of Swing Equation. Determination of Transient Stability by Equal Area Criterion, Application of Equal Area Criterion, Critical Clearing Angle Calculation.- Solution of Swing Equation: Point-by-Point Method. Methods to improve Stability - Application of Auto Reclosing and Fast Operating Circuit Breakers.


  1. Computer Techniques in Power System Analysis by M.A.Pai, TMH Publications.
  2. Modern Power system Analysis – by I.J.Nagrath & D.P.Kothari: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing company, 2nd edition.


  1. Power System Analysis by Grainger and Stevenson, Tata McGraw Hill.
  2. Power System Analysis – by A.R.Bergen, Prentice Hall, Inc.
  3. Power System Analysis by Hadi Saadat – TMH Edition.
  4. Power System Analysis by B.R.Gupta, Wheeler Publications.
  • Created
    Jun 09, 2015
  • Updated
    Jun 09, 2015
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