III Year B.Tech. EEE - I Sem L T/P/D C
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With the advent of semiconductor devices, revolution is taking place in the power transmission distribution and utilization. This course introduces the basic concepts of power semiconductor devices, converters and choppers and their analysis.
Power Semi Conductor Devices & Communication Circuits: Thyristors – Silicon Controlled Rectifiers (SCR’s) – BJT – Power MOSFET – Power IGBT and their characteristics and other thyristors – Basic theory of operation of SCR – Static characteristics – Turn on and turn off methods- Dynamic characteristics of SCR - Turn on and Turn off times -Salient points. Two transistor analogy – SCR - UJT firing circuit ––– Series and parallel connections of SCR’s – Snubber circuit details – Specifications and Ratings of SCR’s, BJT, IGBT - Numerical problems – Line Commutation and Forced Commutation circuits.
AC-DC Converters (1-Phase & 3-Phase Controlled Rectifiers): Phase control technique – Single phase Line commutated converters – Mid point and Bridge connections – Half controlled converters with Resistive, RL loads and RLE load– Derivation of average load voltage and current -Active and Reactive power inputs to the converters without and with Free wheeling Diode –Numerical problems. Fully controlled converters, Mid point and Bridge connections with Resistive, RL loads and RLE load– Derivation of average load voltage and current – Line commutated inverters -Active and Reactive power inputs to the converters without and with Free wheeling Diode, Effect of source inductance – Derivation of load voltage and current – Numerical problems. Three phase converters – Three pulse and six pulse converters – Mid point and bridge connections average load voltage With R and RL loads – Effect of Source inductance–Dual converters (both single phase and three phase) - Waveforms –Numerical Problems.
DC-DC Converters (Choppers):
Choppers – Time ratio control and Current limit control strategies – Step down choppers Derivation of load voltage and currents with R, RL and RLE loads- Step up Chopper – load voltage expression, Jones chopper, AC Chopper, Problems.
AC-AC Converters (AC Voltage Controllers) & Frequency Changers (Cyclo-Converters): AC voltage controllers – Single phase two SCR’s in anti parallel – With R and RL loads – modes of operation of Triac – Triac with R and RL loads – Derivation of RMS load voltage, current and power factor wave forms – Firing circuits -Numerical problems -Cyclo converters – Single phase mid point cyclo converters with Resistive and inductive load (Principle of operation only) – Bridge configuration of single phase cyclo converter (Principle of operation only) – Waveforms.
DC-AC Converters (Inverters): Inverters – Single phase inverter – Basic series inverter, parallel inverter - operation and waveforms - Three phase inverters (180, 120 degrees conduction modes of operation) - Voltage control techniques for inverters, Pulse width modulation techniques - Numerical problems.
- Power Electronics, Dr. P. S. Bimbhra, Khanna Publishers
- Power Electronics Devices, Circuits and Industrial applications, V. R. Moorthi, Oxford University Press.
- Power Electronics; Circuits, Devices and Applications, M. H. Rashid, Prentice Hall of India.
- Power Electronics, M. D. Singh & K. B. Kanchandhani, Tata Mc Graw - Hill Publishing Company.
- Power Electronics, Vedam Subramanyam, New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers.
- Elements of Power Electronics, Philip T. Krein, Oxford University Press.
- Power Electronics, M. S. Jamil Asghar, PHI Private Limited.
- Power Electronics, P. C. Sen, Tata Mc Graw-Hill Publishing.
- Power Electronics, K. Hari Babu, Scitech Publications India Pvt. Ltd.
- Principles of Power Electronics, John G. Kassakian, martin F. Schlect, Geroge C. Verghese, Pearson Education.
- Thyristorised Power Controllers, G. K. Dubey, S. R. Doradra, A. joshi and R. M. K. Sinha, New Age International (P) Limited Publishers.
After going through this course the student gets a thorough knowledge on construction operation V-I characteristics commutationfiring and protection of various power semiconductor devices, focused analysis of thyristor device, nature of the R, RL and RLE loads for different power inputs, AC-to-DC power conversion through 1-phase & 3-phase controlled rectifiers, DC-tp-DC power conversion through step-up and step-down choppers, AC-to-AC power conversion through AC voltage controllers, Frequency conversion through cyclo-converters, DC-to-AC power conversion through 1-phase & 3-phase inverters, different types of PWM (pulse-width modulation) techniques, steady-state and transient state analysis of all the power converters, with which he/she can able to apply the above conceptual things to real-world electrical and electronics problems and applications.
CreatedJun 16, 2015
UpdatedJun 16, 2015