B.Tech. II Year I Sem. L T P C
3 0 0 3

Prerequisite: Mathematics - II & Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Course Objectives:

  • To understand Magnetic Circuits, Network Topologyand Three phase circuits.
  • To analyze transients in Electrical systems.
  • To evaluate Network parameters of given Electrical network
  • To design basic filter configurations

Course Outcomes: After this course, the student will be able to

  • Analyze the Electrical Circuits with the concept of Network topology
  • Apply the concepts of Magnetic circuit & Analyze Magnetic circuits
  • Determine self and mutually induced EMF’s for Magnetically coupled coils
  • Understand the importance of three phase circuits and Analyze the three phase circuits with Star & Delta connected balanced and unbalanced loads
  • Analyze the transient behavior of electrical networks for various excitations
  • Obtain the various network parameters for the given two port networks
  • Represent the transfer function for the given network
  • Determine the parameters for the design of various filters


Magnetic Circuits: Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction – concept of self and mutual inductance – dot convention – coefficient of coupling – composite magnetic circuit - Analysis of series and parallel magnetic circuits
Network topology: Definitions– Graph – Tree, Basic cutset and Basic Tieset matrices for planar networks – Loop and Nodal methods of analysis of Networks with dependent & independent voltage and current sources - Duality & Dual networks.


Three phase circuits: Phase sequence – Star and delta connection – Relation between line and phase voltages and currents in balanced systems – Analysis of balanced and Unbalanced 3 phase circuits – Measurement of active and reactive power.


Transient Analysis: Transient response of R-L, R-C, R-L-C circuits (Series and Parallel combinations) for D.C. and sinusoidal excitations – Initial conditions – Classical method and Laplace transforms methods of solutions.
Transient response of the above circuits for different inputs such as step, ramp, pulse and impulse by using Laplace transforms method.


Network Parameters: Network functions driving point and transfer impedance function networks- poles and zeros –necessary conditions for driving point function and for transfer function
Two port network parameters – Z, Y, ABCD and hybrid parameters and their relations– 2- port network parameters using transformed variables.


Filters: Introduction to filters –low pass – high pass and band pass – RC, RL, filters- constant K and m derived filters and composite filter design.


  1. “William Hayt and Jack E. Kemmerly”, “Engineering circuit analysis”, Mc Graw Hill Company, 6th edition, 2016.
  2. “D. Roy Chowdary”, “Networks and systems”, New age international publishers, 2009.
  3. “N. C. Jagan & C. Lakshminarayana”, “Network Theory”, B.S Publications, 2014.
  4. “A. Chakrabarthy”, Circuit Theory, Dhanpat Rai, 2005.


  1. “Van Valkenburg”, “Network Analysis”, PHI, 3rd Edition, 2014
  2. “Franklin F Kuo,” “Network Analysis & Synthesis”, Wiley India PVT. Ltd., second Edition, 2006
  3. “K.C. A. Smith & R. E. Alley”, “Electrical Circuits”, Cambridge University Press, 1992
  4. “K. Rajeswaran”, “Electric Circuit theory”, Pearson Education, 2004.
  5. “A. Bruce Carlson”, “Circuits”, Thomson Publishers, 1999
  • Created
    Jun 16, 2017
  • Updated
    Jun 16, 2017
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