II Year B. Tech. Biotech I-Sem L T/P/D C
4 -/-/- 4
Objectives: This course is formulated to provides an exposure to microbial diversity, their characteristics, classification, physiology and identification. It also enables them to understand host pathogen interaction and their microbial environment. It also introduces the students to pathogens and viruses.
INTRODUCTION TO MICROBIOLOGY: Discovery of microorganisms; Theory of spontaneous generation, Germ theory of diseases; Major contribution and events in the field of Microbiology. Scope and relevance of microbiology.
Identification of Microorganisms - A general account. Microdiversity
MAJOR GROUPS OF MICROORGANISMS AND GENERAL METHODS OF IDENTIFICATION: General characteristics of Bacteria, Archaea and Eubacteria. Diversity classification of Woese et al. Three domains of life. Five - kingdom system of Whittaker.
Classification systems - Phylogenetic, Phenetic, Taxonomic ranks, Major characteristics used in Taxonomy - Morphological, Physiological, ecological, Biochemical, Immunological, Genetic and Molecular. Colony characteristics, staining techniques; Fixation, Principle dyes, simple staining, differential staining, spore staining, flageller staining.
Biochemical tests – Sugar fermentations, IMVIC tests, Catalase production etc.
NUTRITION, CULTIVATION AND PRESERVATION OF MICROORGANISMS: Nutrition requirements of microorganisms; nutritional classes of microbes, Macro and micronutrients, their sources and physiological functions of nutrients. Growth factors and their functions in metabolism. Aerobic and anaerobic metabolism. Cultivation of microorganisms; Culture media, synthetic, complex media, solidifying agents, types of media - selective, differential and enrichment and enriched media, pure culture methods - spread plate, pour plate and streak plate, special techniques for cultivation of anaerobes.
Influence of environmental factors on growth – solutes, water activity, pH, temperature, oxyzen, osomotic pressure, radiation.
Preservation of Microganisms: working and primary stock cultures – agar slants, agar stabs, spore preparation, use of sterile soil, cryopreservation, lyophilisation, Application and limitations of various methods.
PATHOGENESITY: Definition of infection and disease, Normal Physiology versus pathology and disease, Normal Flora versus Pathogens, virulence and responsible factors colonization, Examples: Influenza, Toxin, Tuberculosis, Antimicrobials & mode of action: cell membrane, protein, nucleic acid.
VIRUSES: Introduction to Viruses: Properties and Structure of Viruses; Animal Virology; Plant Virology; Viruses of Arthropods, bacteria and other lower organisms; classification of viruses (Bacterial, plant and animal with 1 example each); Applications of Virology in Biotech Industry,
Replication of viruses: Viral Replication-Bacterial, plant and animal with 1 example each ( in case of animal viruses the teaching should include the examples of DNA and RNA viral replication and also of those that replicate in the cytoplasm and nucleus).
Identification, culture and assay of viruses: Identification and in vitro cultivation of viruses. Assay of viruses (Both bacterial and animal viruses)
- Microbiology, Pelczar M.J. Chan ECE and Krieg NR. Tata McGraw Hill.
- General Microbiology. Roger Y stanier, Macmillan.
- Biology of Micro organisma. BROCK, Prentice Hall, International Inc.
- Introduction to Micro Biology a case History approach 3rd edition john. L. Ingraham, Catherine A lingraham, Thomson Publications.
- General Microbiology. Hons. G.Schlege. Combridge university press.
- General Microbiology. Prescott and Dunn Mc Graw Hill Publishers.
- Introduction to microbiology – A case history approach 3rd edition – john L. ingram, Catherine A. Ingram Thomson Publishers.
- Microbiology: A Human perspective 5th edition, Nestor, Anderson, Robertes
Outcomes: Student would be able to distinguish between bacteria by culture and staining methods. They understand the different mechanisms associated with pathogenecity, virus replication, quantification and identification. They will gain the ability to differentiate virus from bacteria and also correlate the differences between replication, quantification and identification methods.
CreatedJul 31, 2016
UpdatedJul 31, 2016