II Year B.Tech. BME. I-Sem L T/P/D C
- -/3/- 2
The Course Objective is to make the learner understand
- The histology slides of primary tissue and recording of B.P
- The qualitative analysis of glucose, urea and creatinine and serum proteins, A/G Ratio.
- The analysis of the urine sample and identify reducing sugars, proteins, ketone bodies, blood, bile salts and bile pigments.
- Histology Practicals. Showing the slides of Primary tissues.
- Recording of B. P. and Effects of Physical Exertion and Posture on this Parameter.
- Demonstration of Dissecting Upper limbs, Lower limbs, Pelvis and Pelvic Organs Abdomen and Abdominal Organs.
- Demonstration of Dissecting thorax – showing heart & major blood vessels, lungs and respiratory system.
- Recording Mechanical Response of the Muscle on Application of Induced Electric Signal,
- Study of Rate of Conduction of Nerve Impulse.
- Quantitative estimation of glucose, Urea and creatinine.
- Quantitative estimation of Serum proteins, A/G Ratio
- Test for presence of (a) Reducing Sugars (b) Proteins. (c) Ketone Bodies.
- Test for presence of (a) Blood. (b) Bile Salts. (c) Bile Pigments.
- Analysis of Na and K in an unknown sample (Demonstration).
- Plasma protein electrophoresis.
Equipment required
- microscope
- sphygmomanometer
- stethoscope
- kymograph
- flame photometer
- Tuning Forks of different resonant frequencies
- poly graph
- Electrophoresis apparatus
- Chromatograph
- Colorimeter.
- Spectrophotometer.
- pH meter
- Flame photometer
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, the learner will be able
- Demonstrate technical skills in the clinical laboratory.
- Analyse the urine sample and identify reducing sugars, proteins, ketone bodies, blood, bile salts and bile pigments.
- Identify the histology slides of primary tissue, recording of B.P, demonstrate the upper limbs, pelvis and pelvic organs.
- Identify different parts of human body.
CreatedJul 31, 2016
UpdatedJul 31, 2016