II Year B.Tech. BME. I-Sem L T/P/D C
- -/3/- 2

The Course Objective is to make the learner understand

  • The histology slides of primary tissue and recording of B.P
  • The qualitative analysis of glucose, urea and creatinine and serum proteins, A/G Ratio.
  • The analysis of the urine sample and identify reducing sugars, proteins, ketone bodies, blood, bile salts and bile pigments.
  1. Histology Practicals. Showing the slides of Primary tissues.
  2. Recording of B. P. and Effects of Physical Exertion and Posture on this Parameter.
  3. Demonstration of Dissecting Upper limbs, Lower limbs, Pelvis and Pelvic Organs Abdomen and Abdominal Organs.
  4. Demonstration of Dissecting thorax – showing heart & major blood vessels, lungs and respiratory system.
  5. Recording Mechanical Response of the Muscle on Application of Induced Electric Signal,
  6. Study of Rate of Conduction of Nerve Impulse.
  7. Quantitative estimation of glucose, Urea and creatinine.
  8. Quantitative estimation of Serum proteins, A/G Ratio
  9. Test for presence of (a) Reducing Sugars (b) Proteins. (c) Ketone Bodies.
  10. Test for presence of (a) Blood. (b) Bile Salts. (c) Bile Pigments.
  11. Analysis of Na and K in an unknown sample (Demonstration).
  12. Plasma protein electrophoresis.

Equipment required

  1. microscope
  2. sphygmomanometer
  3. stethoscope
  4. kymograph
  5. flame photometer
  6. Tuning Forks of different resonant frequencies
  7. poly graph
  8. Electrophoresis apparatus
  9. Chromatograph
  10. Colorimeter.
  11. Spectrophotometer.
  12. pH meter
  13. Flame photometer

Course Outcomes:

At the end of this course, the learner will be able

  • Demonstrate technical skills in the clinical laboratory.
  • Analyse the urine sample and identify reducing sugars, proteins, ketone bodies, blood, bile salts and bile pigments.
  • Identify the histology slides of primary tissue, recording of B.P, demonstrate the upper limbs, pelvis and pelvic organs.
  • Identify different parts of human body.
  • Created
    Jul 31, 2016
  • Updated
    Jul 31, 2016
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