II Year B.Tech. Mining Engg. I - Sem L T/P/D C
4 /-/- 4

Unit - I

CAMS: Definitions of cam and followers – their uses – Types of followers and cams – Terminology – Types of follower motion - Uniform velocity – Simple harmonic motion and uniform acceleration. Maximum velocity and maximum acceleration during outward and return strokes in the above 3 cases.
Analysis of motion of followers : Roller follower – circular cam with straight, concave and convex flanks.

Unit - II

Belt, Rope and Chain Drives: Introduction, Belt and rope drives, selection of belt drive- types of belt drives,Vbelts, materials used for belt and rope drives, velocity ratio of belt drives, slip of belt, creep of belt, tensions for flat belt drive, angle of contact, centrifugal tension, maximum tension of belt, Chains- length, angular speed ratio, classification of chains.

Unit - III

Toothed gears: types – law of gearing, condition for constant velocity ratio for transmission of motion, Form of teeth: cycloidal and involute profiles. Velocity of sliding – phenomena of interferences – Methods of interference. Condition for minimum number of teeth to avoid interference, expressions for arc of contact and path of contact – Introduction to Helical, Bevel and worm gearing.
Gear Trains: Introduction – Train value – Types – Simple and reverted wheel train – Epicyclic gear Train. Methods of finding train value or velocity ratio – Epicyclic gear trains. Selection of gear box-Differential gear for an automobile.

Unit - IV

IC Engines: IC Engine components and basic engine nomenclature, classification of IC Engines, otto cycle, diesel cycle, two stroke and four stoke cycle spark ignition and compression ignition engines.
Application of IC Engines study of fuel supply systems in SI and CI Engines, study of fuel ignition, cooling and lubrication systems. Simple calculations of indicated power, brake power, mechanical efficiency, thermal efficiency and fuel consumption. Coal diesel, coal water, slurries as alternate fuels. Simple maintenance techniques.

Unit - V

Compressed air generation and applications. Types of air compressors, reciprocating and rotary compressors like roots blower, vane type, centrifugal, axial flow, screw type. Equation for kg of air compressed with and without clearance volume in a reciprocating air compressor, two stage air compressor with inter cooling, simple problems.
Distribution of compressed air, application of compressed air, in Mining machinery, maintenance of compressed air, distribution systems.


  1. IC Engines by V. Ganeshan
  2. Theory Machines by Rattan.
  3. Thermal Engineering – R.S. Khurmi & J.K. Gupta.


  1. Turbomachines – Prof. Yahya.
  2. Mining Technology (Vol- I & II) – Prof. D.J. Deshmukh
  • Created
    Aug 04, 2016
  • Updated
    Aug 04, 2016
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