Note: This syllabus is common for EEE, ECE, CSE, EIE, BME, IT, ETE, ECM, ICE.
(Advanced Calculus)
B.Tech. I Year II Sem. L T/P/D C
4 1/0/0 4
Prerequisites: Foundation course (No prerequisites).
Course Objectives:
To learn
- concepts & properties of Laplace Transforms
- solving differential equations using Laplace transform techniques
- evaluation of integrals using Beta and Gamma Functions
- evaluation of multiple integrals and applying them to compute the volume and areas of regions
- the physical quantities involved in engineering field related to the vector valued functions.
- the basic properties of vector valued functions and their applications to line, surface and volume integrals.
Course Outcomes: After learning the contents of this course the student must be able to
- use Laplace transform techniques for solving DE’s
- evaluate integrals using Beta and Gamma functions
- evaluate the multiple integrals and can apply these concepts to find areas, volumes, moment of inertia etc of regions on a plane or in space
- evaluate the line, surface and volume integrals and converting them from one to another
Laplace Transforms: Laplace transforms of standard functions, Shifting theorems, derivatives and integrals, properties- Unit step function, Dirac’s delta function, Periodic function, Inverse Laplace transforms, Convolution theorem (without proof).
Applications: Solving ordinary differential equations (initial value problems) using Laplace transforms.
Beta and Gamma Functions: Beta and Gamma functions, properties, relation between Beta and Gamma functions, evaluation of integrals using Beta and Gamma functions.
Applications: Evaluation of integrals.
Multiple Integrals: Double and triple integrals, Change of variables, Change of order of integration. Applications: Finding areas, volumes & Center of gravity (evaluation using Beta and Gamma functions).
Vector Differentiation: Scalar and vector point functions, Gradient, Divergence, Curl and their physical and geometrical interpretation, Laplacian operator, Vector identities.
Vector Integration: Line Integral, Work done, Potential function, area, surface and volume integrals, Vector integral theorems: Greens, Stokes and Gauss divergence theorems (without proof) and related problems.
Text Books:
- Advanced Engineering Mathematics by R K Jain & S R K Iyengar, Narosa Publishers
- Engineering Mathematics by Srimanthapal and Subodh C. Bhunia, Oxford Publishers
- Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Peter V. O. Neil, Cengage Learning Publishers.
- Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Lawrence Turyn, CRC Press
Note: This syllabus is common for Civil, ME, AE, ME (M), MME, AU, Mining, Petroleum, CEE, ME (Nanotech).
(Advanced Calculus)
B.Tech. I Year I Sem. L T/P/D C
Course Code: MA102BS/MA202BS 4 1/0/0 4
Prerequisites: Foundation course (No prerequisites).
Course Objectives:
To learn
- concepts & properties of Laplace Transforms
- solving differential equations using Laplace transform techniques
- evaluation of integrals using Beta and Gamma Functions
- evaluation of multiple integrals and applying them to compute the volume and areas of regions
- the physical quantities involved in engineering field related to the vector valued functions.
- the basic properties of vector valued functions and their applications to line, surface and volume integrals.
Course Outcomes: After learning the contents of this course the student must be able to
- use Laplace transform techniques for solving DE’s
- evaluate integrals using Beta and Gamma functions
- evaluate the multiple integrals and can apply these concepts to find areas, volumes, moment of inertia etc of regions on a plane or in space
- evaluate the line, surface and volume integrals and converting them from one to another
Laplace Transforms: Laplace transforms of standard functions, Shifting theorems, derivatives and integrals, properties- Unit step function, Dirac’s delta function, Periodic function, Inverse Laplace transforms, Convolution theorem (without proof).
Applications: Solving ordinary differential equations (initial value problems) using Laplace transforms.
Beta and Gamma Functions: Beta and Gamma functions, properties, relation between Beta and Gamma functions, evaluation of integrals using Beta and Gamma functions.
Applications: Evaluation of integrals.
Multiple Integrals: Double and triple integrals, Change of variables, Change of order of integration. Applications: Finding areas, volumes & Center of gravity (evaluation using Beta and Gamma functions).
Vector Differentiation: Scalar and vector point functions, Gradient, Divergence, Curl and their physical and geometrical interpretation, Laplacian operator, Vector identities.
Vector Integration: Line Integral, Work done, Potential function, area, surface and volume integrals, Vector integral theorems: Greens, Stokes and Gauss divergence theorems (without proof) and related problems.
Text Books:
- Advanced Engineering Mathematics by R K Jain & S R K Iyengar, Narosa Publishers
- Engineering Mathematics by Srimanthapal and Subodh C. Bhunia, Oxford Publishers
- Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Peter V. O. Neil, Cengage Learning Publishers.
- Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Lawrence Turyn, CRC Press
CreatedDec 15, 2016
UpdatedDec 16, 2016