B.Tech. II Year I Sem. L T/P/D C
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Course Objective: The purpose of this course is to make the students learn the concepts of Metallurgy and Material Science role in all manufacturing processes which convert raw materials into useful products adapted to human needs.
Course Outcomes: The Primary focus of the Metallurgy and Material science program is to provide undergraduates with a fundamental knowledge based associated materials properties, and their selection and application. Upon graduation, students would have acquired and developed the necessary background and skills for successful careers in the materials-related industries. Furthermore, after completing the program, the student should be well prepared for management positions in industry or continued education toward a graduate degree.
List of Experiments:
- Preparation and study of crystal models for simple cubic, body centred cubic, face centred cubic and hexagonal close packed structures.
- Preparation and study of the Microstructure of pure metals like Iron, Cu and Al.
- Preparation and study of the Microstructure of Mild steels, low carbon steels, high – C steels.
- Study of the Microstructures of Cast Irons.
- Study of the Microstructures of Non-Ferrous alloys.
- Hardenability of steels by Jominy End Quench Test.
Course Objectives: The objective is to learn the fundamental concepts of stress, strain, and deformation of solids with applications to bars, beams, and columns. Detailed study of engineering properties of materials is also of interest. Fundamentals of applying equilibrium, compatibility, and force deformation relationships to structural elements are emphasized. The students are introduced to advanced concepts of flexibility and stiffness method of structural analysis. The course builds on the fundamental concepts of engineering mechanics course.
The students will advance the students’ development of the following broad capabilities:
- Students will be able to understand basic concepts of stress, strain and their relations based on linear elasticity. Material behaviors due to different types of loading will be discussed.
- Students will be able to understand and know how to calculate stresses and deformation of a bar due to an axial loading under uniform and non-uniform conditions.
- Students will understand how to develop shear-moment diagrams of a beam and find the maximum moment/shear and their locations
- Students will understand how to calculate normal and shear stresses on any cross-section of a beam. Different cross-sections (including I-beam) will be discussed and applied Continuous Assessment Test 10 marks Mid Semester Test 15 marks End
Course Outcomes
- Analyze the behavior of the solid bodies subjected to various types of loading.
- Apply knowledge of materials and structural elements to the analysis of simple structures.
- Undertake problem identification, formulation and solution using a range of analytical methods
- Analyze and interpret laboratory data relating to behavior of structures and the materials they are made of, and undertake associated laboratory work individually and in teams.
- Expectation and capacity to undertake lifelong learning.
List of Experiments:
- Direct tension test
- Bending test on Simple supported beam
- Bending test on Cantilever beam
- Torsion test
- Brinell hardness test/ Rockwell hardness test
- Test on springs
- Izod Impact test/ Charpy Impact test
CreatedDec 19, 2020
UpdatedDec 19, 2020