III Year B.Tech. ME - I Sem      L   T/P/D   C
-   -/3/-   2

Section - A:

  1. Use of gear teeth vernier calipers for checking the chordal addedndum and chordal height of the spur gear.
  2. Machine tool alignment of test on the lathe.
  3. Tool makers microscope and its application
  4. Angle and taper measurements by bevel protractor and sine bars.
  5. Use of spirit level and optical flats in finding the flatness of surface plate.
  6. Thread measurement by 2-wire and 3-wire methods.

Section - B:

  1. Introduction of general purpose machine - Lathe, Drilling machine, Milling machine, Shaper.
  2. Planing machine, slotting machine, Cylindrical Grinder, surface grinder and tool and cutter grinder.
  3. Step turning and taper turning on lathe machine.
  4. Thread cutting and knurling on -lathe machine.
  5. Drilling and Taping
  6. Shapping and Planning
  7. Slotting
  8. Milling
  9. Cylindrical Surface Grinding
  10. Grinding of Tool angles.
  • Created
    Jun 13, 2015
  • Updated
    Jun 13, 2015
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