B.Tech. II Year I Sem. L T/P/D C
4 1/0/0 4

Prerequisites: Basic principles of mechanics

Course Objectives: The objective is to study the relative motion, velocity, and accelerations
of the various elements in a mechanism. In mechanical Engineering we come across number
of mechanisms such as four bar/slider crank/double slider crank/straight line motion
mechanism etc. Mechanism deals with only relative motions. Once we make a study
considering for us also there it is called kinetics. The first course deals with mechanisms,
their inversions straight line motion mechanisms steering mechanisms etc. Also study of
cams/gears & gear trains & belts are also introduced.

Course Outcomes: The main purpose is to give an idea about the relative motions obtained
in all the above type of components used in mechanical Engineering.


Mechanisms: Elements or Links – Classification – Rigid Link, flexible and fluid link – Types of kinematics pairs – sliding, turning, rolling, screw and spherical pairs – lower and higher pairs – closed and open pairs – constrained motion – completely, partially or successfully and incompletely constrained .

Mechanism and Machines – Mobility of Mechanisms : Grubler’s criterion, classification of machines – kinematics chain – inversions of mechanism – inversions of quadric cycle chain, single and double slider crank chains, Mechanical Advantage.


Kinematics: Velocity and acceleration – Motion of link in machine – Determination of Velocity and acceleration – Graphical method – Application of relative velocity method.

Plane motion of body: Instantaneous center of rotation- centrodes and axodes – Three centers in line theorem – Graphical determination of instantaneous center, determination of angular velocity of points and links by instantaneous center method. 

Kliens construction - Coriolis acceleration - determination of Coriolis component of acceleration

Analysis of Mechanisms: Analysis of slider crank chain for displacement- velocity and acceleration of slider – Acceleration diagram for a given mechanism.


Straight-line motion mechanisms: Exact and approximate copied and generated types – Peaucellier - Hart - Scott Russel – Grasshopper – Watt -Tchebicheff’s and Robert Mechanism - Pantographs

Steering gears: Conditions for correct steering – Davis Steering gear, Ackerman’s steering gear.

Hooke’s Joint: Single and double Hooke’s joint –velocity ratio – application – problems.


Cams: Definitions of cam and followers – their uses – Types of followers and cams – Terminology – Types of follower motion - Uniform velocity, Simple harmonic motion and uniform acceleration and retardation. Maximum velocity and maximum acceleration during outward and return strokes in the above 3 cases.

Analysis of motion of followers: Tangent cam with Roller follower – circular arc cam with straight, concave and convex flanks.


Higher pair: Friction wheels and toothed gears – types – law of gearing, condition for constant velocity ratio for transmission of motion – velocity of sliding Forms of teeth, cycloidal and involutes profiles – phenomena of interferences – Methods of interference. Condition for minimum number of teeth to avoid interference – expressions for arc of contact and path of contact of Pinion & Gear and Pinion & Rack Arrangements– Introduction to Helical – Bevel and worm gearing

Gear Trains: Introduction – Types – Simple – compound and reverted gear trains – Epicyclic gear train. Methods of finding train value or velocity ratio of Epicyclic gear trains. Selection of gear box - Differential gear for an automobile


  1. Theory of Machines and Mechanisms/JOSEPH E. SHIGLEY/ Oxford
  2. Theory of Machines / S.S.Rattan / Mc Graw Hill Publishers.


  1. Theory of Machines / Sadhu Singh / Pearson.
  2. Theory of Machines / Thomas Bevan/CBS.
  • Created
    May 31, 2017
  • Updated
    May 31, 2017
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