III Year B.Tech. ECE I - Sem L  T/P/D  C
-  -/3/-  2

Note: To perform any sixteen experiments (choosing at least seven from each part).

Part - I: Linear IC Experiments

  1. OP AMP Applications – Adder, Subtractor, Comparators. 
  2. Integrator and Differentiator Circuits using IC 741.
  3. Active Filter Applications – LPF, HPF (first order) 
  4. IC 741 Waveform Generators - Sine, Squarewave and Triangular waves.
  5. IC 555 Timer - Monostable and Astable Multivibrator Circuits.
  6. Schmitt Trigger Circuits - Using IC 741
  7. IC 565 - PLL Applications.
  8. Voltage Regulator using IC 723, Three Terminal Voltage Regulators - 7805, 7809, 7912.


  1. 20 MHz / 40 MHz / 60 MHz Oscilloscope.
  2. 1 MHz Function Generator (Sine, Square, Traingular and TTL).
  3. Regulated Power Supply.
  4. Multimeter / Volt Meter.

Part - II: HDL Simulation programs:

Programming can be done using any compiler. Download the programs on FPGA / CPLD boards and performance testing may be done using pattern generator / logic analyzer apart from verification by simulation using Cadence / Mentor Graphics / Synopsys / Equivalentfront end CAD tools.

  1. HDL code to realize all the logic gates
  2. Design of 2-to-4 decoder
  3. Design of 8-to-3 encoder (without and with Priority)
  4. Design of 8-to-1 multiplexer and 1 x 8 demuliplexer.
  5. Design of 4 bit binary to gray code converter
  6. Design of 4 bit comparator
  7. Design of Full adder using 3 modelling styles
  8. Design of flip flops: SR, JK, T
  9. Design of 4-bit binary, BCD counters (synchronous/ asunchronous reset)
  10. Finite State Machine Design
  • Created
    Jun 06, 2015
  • Updated
    Jun 06, 2015
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