B.Tech. II Year II Sem. L T/P/D C
0 0/3/0 1.5
Course Objectives
- To identify the behavior of analytical models introduced in lecture to the actual behavior of real fluid flows.
- To explain the standard measurement techniques of fluid mechanics and their applications.
- To illustrate the students with the components and working principles of the Hydraulic machines- different types of Turbines, Pumps, and other miscellaneous hydraulics machines.
- To analyze the laboratory measurements and to document the results in an appropriate format.
Course Outcomes: Students who successfully complete this course will have demonstrated ability to:
- Describe the basic measurement techniques of fluid mechanics and its appropriate application.
- Interpret the results obtained in the laboratory for various experiments.
- Discover the practical working of Hydraulic machines- different types of Turbines, Pumps, and other miscellaneous hydraulics machines.
- Compare the results of analytical models introduced in lecture to the actual behavior of real fluid flows and draw correct and sustainable conclusions.
- Write a technical laboratory report
List of Experiments
- Verification of Bernoulli’s equation
- Determination of Coefficient of discharge for a small orifice by a constant head method
- Calibration of Venturimeter / Orifice Meter
- Calibration of Triangular / Rectangular/Trapezoidal Notch
- Determination of Minor losses in pipe flow
- Determination of Friction factor of a pipe line
- Determination of Energy loss in Hydraulic jump
- Determination of Manning’s and Chezy’s constants for Open channel flow.
- Impact of jet on vanes
- Performance Characteristics of Pelton wheel turbine
- Performance Characteristics of Francis turbine
- Performance characteristics of Keplan Turbine
- Performance Characteristics of a single stage / multi stage Centrifugal Pump
CreatedOct 18, 2021
UpdatedOct 18, 2021