II Year B.Tech. Mining M Engg. I-Sem L T/P/D C
4 -/-/- 4
Objectives: To introduce fundamentals of geology to the student emphasizing the importance of mineralogy, structural geology, stratigraphy of earth. Course is also aimed at explanation of seismic zones, geology and mineral resources of India.
Unit - I
General Geology: origin, age, internal structure and composition of Earth.
Landforms: Origin or mode of development, characteristic features and engineering considerations of landforms developed by Rivers, Wind, Glaciers, Oceans and Volcanoes.
Unit - II
Mineralogy: Physical properties, chemical composition and mode of occurrence of important rock-forming and ore-forming minerals. Petrology: Distinguish characteristic features, mode of formation and mode of occurrence of important igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks.
Unit - III
Structural Geology: Strike and Dip, Fundamental types, characteristic features and mechanics of folds, faults, joints (fractures) and unconformities. Foliation and Lineation.
Unit - IV
Stratigraphy: Principles of stratigraphy , geological time scale, stratigraphic succession, description and mineral wealth of archeans, proterozoic basins, Gondwanas, Deccan traps and Himalayas.
Unit - V
Groundwater: Hydrological cycle, vertical distribution of groundwater. Types of aquifers, geological formations as aquifers, springs, engineering considerations of groundwater and groundwater exploration. Earthquakes: Mode of propagation of seismic energy, causes, effects and distribution of earthquakes, seismic Zoning Map of India. Geology and Mineral Resources of India.
- A Text Book of Geology by P.K. Mukherjee.
- Fundamentals of Engineering Geology by F.G. Bell (1982) Butterworth Publication.
- Principles of Physical Geology by Arthur Holmes.
Outcomes: Mining engineering students are expected to know about the geology of the ground in which mining activity is proposed or in vogue. This course gives opportunity to get acquainted with the geological conditions of the ground and helps students to plan better and safer mining activities as an outcome of this course.
CreatedAug 04, 2016
UpdatedAug 04, 2016