B.Tech. II Year I Sem. L T/P/D C
0 0/3/0 2

Prerequisite: Chemistry

Course Objectives: To Understand the fuel and lubricants properties.

List of Experiments:

  1. Determination of Flash and Fire points of Liquid fuels/Lubricants using: Abels Apparatus
  2. Determination of Flash and Fire points of Liquid fuels/Lubricants using: Pensky Martens Apparatus
  3. Carbon residue test: Liquid fuels.
  4. Determination of Viscosity of Liquid lubricants and Fuels using: Saybolt Viscometer
  5. Determination of Viscosity of Liquid lubricants and Fuels using: Redwood Viscometer
  6. Determination of Viscosity of Liquid lubricants and Fuels using: Engler Viscometer
  7. Determination of Calorific value: of Gaseous fuels using: Junkers Gas Calorimeter.
  8. Determination of Calorific value: Solid/Liquid/ fuels using: Bomb Calorimeter.
  9. Drop point and Penetration Apparatus for Grease.
  10. ASTM Distillation Test Apparatus.
  11. Cloud and Pour point Apparatus.
  • Created
    May 31, 2017
  • Updated
    May 31, 2017
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