B.Tech. II Year I Sem. L T/P/D C
3 1/0/0 4
Course Objectives: The objectives of the course are to
- Introduce the concepts of fluid mechanics useful in Civil Engineering applications
- Provide a first level exposure to the students to fluid statics, kinematics and dynamics.
- Learn about the application of mass, energy and momentum conservation laws for fluid flows
- Train and analyse engineering problems involving fluids with a mechanistic perspective is essential for the civil engineering students
- To obtain the velocity and pressure variations in various types of simple flows
- To prepare a student to build a good fundamental background useful in the applicationintensive courses covering hydraulics, hydraulic machinery and hydrology
Course Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
- Understand the broad principles of fluid statics, kinematics and dynamics
- Understand definitions of the basic terms used in fluid mechanics and characteristics of fluids and its flow
- Understand classifications of fluid flow
- Be able to apply the continuity, momentum and energy principles
Properties of Fluid
Distinction between a fluid and a solid; Density, Specific weight, Specific gravity, Kinematic and dynamic viscosity; variation of viscosity with temperature, Newton law of viscosity; vapour pressure, boiling point, cavitation; surface tension, capillarity, Bulk modulus of elasticity, compressibility.
Fluid Statics
Fluid Pressure: Pressure at a point, Pascals law, pressure variation with temperature, density and altitude. Piezometer, U-Tube Manometer, Single Column Manometer, U-Tube Differential Manometer, Micromanometers. pressure gauges. Hydrostatic pressure and force: horizontal, vertical and inclined surfaces. Buoyancy and stability of floating bodies.
Fluid Kinematics
Classification of fluid flow: steady and unsteady flow; uniform and non-uniform flow; laminar and turbulent flow; rotational and irrotational flow; compressible and incompressible flow; ideal and real fluid flow; one, two- and three-dimensional flows; Stream line, path line, streak line and stream tube; stream function, velocity potential function. One, two- and three-dimensional continuity equations in Cartesian coordinates.
Fluid Dynamics
Surface and Body forces -Euler’s and Bernoulli’s equation; Energy correction factor; Momentum equation. Vortex flow – Free and Forced. Bernolli’s equation to real fluid flows.
Flow Measurement in Pipes
Practical applications of Bernoulli’s equation: venturimeter, orifice meter and pitot tube; Momentum principle; Forces exerted by fluid flow on pipe bend.
Flow Over Notches & Weirs
Flow through rectangular; triangular and trapezoidal notches and weirs; End contractions; Velocity of approach. Broad crested weir.
Flow through Pipes
Reynolds experiment, Reynolds number, Loss of head through pipes, Darcy-Wiesbatch equation, minor losses, total energy line, hydraulic grade line, Pipes in series, equivalent pipes, pipes in parallel, siphon, branching of pipes, three reservoir problem, power transmission through pipes. Analysis of pipe networks: Hardy Cross method, water hammer in pipes and control measures.
Laminar & Turbulent Flow
Laminar flow through: circular pipes, annulus and parallel plates.
Boundary Layer Concepts
Boundary Layer Analysis-Assumption and concept of boundary layer theory. Boundary-layer
thickness, displacement, momentum & energy thickness, laminar and Turbulent boundary layers on a
flat plate; Laminar sub-layer, smooth and rough boundaries. Local and average friction coefficients.
Separation and Control. Definition of Drag and Lift and types drag, magnus effect.
- Fluid Mechanics by Modi and Seth, Standard Book House.
- Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic machines by Manish Kumar Goyal, PHI learning Private Limited, 2015.
- Fluid Mechanics by R.C. Hibbeler, Pearson India Education Services Pvt. Ltd
- Theory and Applications of Fluid Mechanics, K. Subramanya, Tata McGraw Hill
- Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines by SK Som, Gautam Biswas, Suman Chakraborthy, Mc Graw Hill Education (India) Private Limited
- Fluid Mechanics and Machinery, C.S.P. Ojha, R. Berndtsson and P. N. Chadramouli, Oxford University Press, 2010
- Fluid mechanics & Hydraulic Machines, Domkundwar & Domkundwar Dhanpat Rai &Co
- Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines, R. K. Bansal, Laxmi Publication Pvt Ltd.
CreatedOct 06, 2021
UpdatedOct 06, 2021