B.Tech. II Year I Sem. L T/P/D C
4 1/0/0 4
Pre Requisites: Engineering Mechanics
Course Objectives: Students who take this class can expect to
- Develop an appreciation for the properties of Newtonian fluids.
- Study analytical solutions to variety of simplified problems.
- Understand the dynamics of fluid flows and the governing non-dimensional parameters.
- Apply concepts of mass, momentum and energy conservation to flows.
- Grasp the basic ideas of turbulence.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
- Apply conservation laws to derive governing equations of fluid flows.
- Compute hydrostatic and hydrodynamic forces.
- Analyze and design simple pipe systems.
- Apply principles of dimensional analysis to design experiments.
- Compute drag and lift coefficients.
Introduction: Dimensions and units – Physical properties of fluids specific gravity, viscosity, surface tension, vapor pressure and their influences on fluid motion pressure at a point, Pascal’s law, Hydrostatic law - atmospheric, gauge and vacuum pressure- measurement of pressure. Pressure gauges, Manometers: differential and Micro Manometers. Hydrostatic forces on submerged plane, Horizontal, Vertical, inclined and curved surfaces – Center of pressure. Derivations and problems.
Buoyancy and floatation: stability of bodies, meta centre, liquids in relative equilibrium.
Fluid Kinematics: Description of fluid flow, Stream line, path line and streak lines and stream tube. Classification of flows : Steady, unsteady, uniform, non uniform, laminar, turbulent, rotational and irrotational flows – Equation of continuity for one, two , three dimensional flows – stream and velocity potential functions, circulation and vorticity, flownet analysis.
Fluid Dynamics and Measurement of Flow: Surface and body forces – Euler’s and Bernoulli’s equations for flow along a stream line for 3-D flow, (Navier – stokes equations (Explanationary) Momentum equation and its application – forces on pipe bend. Pitot tube, Venturi meter, and orifice meter – classification of orifices, flow over rectangular, triangular and trapezoidal and Stepped notches - –Broad crested weirs.
Closed Conduit Flow: Reynold’s experiment – Characteristics of Laminar & Turbulent flows. Laws of Fluid friction – Darcy’s equation, ,variation of friction factor with Reynold’s number – Moody’s Chart, Minor losses – pipes in series – pipes in parallel – Total energy line and hydraulic gradient line. Pipe network problems Flow between parallel plates, Flow through long tubes, flow through inclined tubes, water hammer.
Boundary Layer Theory: Approximate Solutions of Navier Stokes Equations – Boundary layer – concepts, Prandtl contribution, Characteristics of boundary layer along a thin flat plate, Vonkarmen momentum integral equation, laminar and turbulent Boundary layers (no derivations) BL in transition, separation of BL, control of BL, flow around submerged objects-Drag and Lift- Magnus effect.
- Fluid Mechanics by F.M. White McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2011
- Fluid Mechanics by V.L. Streeter., E.B.Wylie and K.W. Bedford, McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi2016.
- Fluid Mechanics by P.N. Modi and S.M.Seth, Standard Book House, Delhi, 2011.
- Mechanics of Fluids by Potter, M.C D.C Wiggers, B.H Ramdan Cengage, 2012.
- Fluid Mechanics by J F Douglas, J M Gasiorek, J A Swaffield and L B Jack, Pearson 2015.
- Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines by S. K. Som, Gautam Biswas and S. Chakraborty, McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi 2015.
- Engineering Fluid Mechanics by K L Kumar, S Chand, Eurasia Publishing House, New Delhi, 2014.
- Fluid Mechanics by Dr. A. K. Jain Khanna Publishers, twelfth edition 2014.
CreatedJun 17, 2017
UpdatedJun 17, 2017