Note: This syllabus is common for Common for Civil, ME, AE, ME (M), MME, Mining & Petroleum Engg.


B.Tech. I Year I Sem. L T P C 

3 1 0 4 

Course Objectives:

  • The course aims at making students to understand the basic concepts of Principles of Physics in a broader sense with a view to lay foundation for the various engineering courses.
  • Students will be able to demonstrate competency and understanding of the concepts found in Mechanics, Harmonic Oscillations, Waves in one dimension, wave Optics, Lasers, Fiber Optics and a broad base of knowledge in physics.
  • The main purpose of this course is to equip engineering undergraduates with an understanding of the scientific method, so that they may use the training beneficially in their higher pursuits.
  • Today the need is to stress principles rather than specific procedures, to select areas of contemporary interest rather than of past interest, and to condition the student to the atmosphere of change he will encounter during his carrier.

Course outcomes: Upon graduation, the graduates will have:

  • The knowledge of Physics relevant to engineering is critical for converting ideas into technology.
  • An understanding of Physics also helps engineers understand the working and limitations of existing devices and techniques, which eventually leads to new innovations and improvements.
  • In the present course, the students can gain knowledge on the mechanism of physical bodies upon the action of forces on them, the generation, transmission and the detection of the waves, Optical Phenomena like Interference, diffraction, the principles of lasers and Fibre Optics.
  • Various chapters establish a strong foundation on the different kinds of characters of several materials and pave a way for them to use in at various technical and engineering applications.

UNIT-I: Introduction to Mechanics

 Transformation of scalars and vectors under Rotation transformation, Forces in Nature, Newton’s laws and its completeness in describing particle motion, Form invariance of Newton’s second law, Solving Newton’s equations of motion in polar coordinates, Problems including constraints and friction, Extension to cylindrical and spherical coordinates. 

UNIT-II: Harmonic Oscillations

Mechanical and electrical simple harmonic oscillators, Complex number notation and phasor representation of simple harmonic motion, Damped harmonic oscillator: heavy, critical and light damping, Energy decay in a damped harmonic oscillator, Quality factor, Mechanical and electrical oscillators, Mechanical and electrical impedance, Steady state motion of forced damped harmonic oscillator, Power observed by oscillator. 

UNIT-III: Waves in one dimension

Transverse wave on a string , The wave equation on a string , Harmonic waves, Reflection and transmission of waves at a boundary, Impedance matching , Standing waves and their Eigen frequencies , Longitudinal waves and the wave equations for them, Acoustic waves and speed of sound, Standing sound waves. 

UNIT-IV: Wave Optics 

Huygen’s principle, Superposition of waves and interference of light by wave front splitting and amplitude splitting, Young’s double slit experiment, Newton’s rings, Michelson’s interferometer, Mach-Zehnder interferometer, Frunhofer diffraction from a single slit and circular aperture, Diffraction grating- resolving power. 

UNIT-V: Lasers and Fibre Optics 

Lasers: Introduction to interaction of radiation with matter, Coherence, Principle and working of Laser, Population inversion, Pumping, Types of Lasers: Ruby laser, Carbon dioxide (CO2) laser, He-Ne laser, Applications of laser. Fibre Optics: Introduction, Optical fibre as a dielectric wave guide, Total internal reflection, Acceptance angle, Acceptance cone and Numerical aperture, Step and Graded index fibres, Losses associated with optical fibres, Applications of optical fibres. 


  1. Engineering Mechanics, 2nd ed.- MK Harbola, Cengage Learning
  2. I. G. Main, “Vibrations and waves in physics’, 3rd Edn, Cambridge University Press, 2018.
  3. Ajoy Ghatak, “ Optics”, McGraw Hill Education, 2012


  1. H. J. Pain, “The physics of vibrations and waves”, Wiley, 2006
  2. O. Svelto, “Principles of Lasers”
  3. “Introduction to Mechanics”, M.K.Verma, Universities Press
  • Created
    Nov 29, 2020
  • Updated
    Nov 29, 2020
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