I Year B.Tech. L T/P/D C
2 1/-/- 4


1. Crystallography: Ionic Bond, Covalent Bond, Metallic Bond, Hydrogen Bond, Vander-Waal’s Bond, Calculation of Cohesive Energy of diatomic molecule- Space Lattice, Unit Cell, Lattice Parameters, Crystal Systems, Bravais Lattices, Atomic Radius, Co-ordination Number and Packing Factor of SC, BCC, FCC, Miller Indices, Crystal Planes and Directions, Inter Planar Spacing of Orthogonal Crystal Systems, Structure of Diamond and NaCl.
2. X-ray Diffraction & Defects in Crystals: Bragg’s Law, X-Ray diffraction methods: Laue Method, Powder Method: Point Defects: Vacancies, Substitutional, Interstitial, Frenkel and Schottky Defects, line defects (Qualitative) & Burger’s Vector.


3. Principles of Quantum Mechanics: Waves and Particles, de Broglie Hypothesis , Matter Waves, Davisson and Germer’s Experiment, Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, Schrödinger’s Time Independent Wave Equation - Physical Significance of the Wave Function – Infinite square well potential extension to three dimensions 
4. Elements of Statistical Mechanics& Electron theory of Solids: Phase space, Ensembles, Micro Canonical, Canonical and Grand Canonical Ensembles - Maxwell-Boltzmann, Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac Statistics
(Qualitative Treatment), Concept of Electron Gas, , Density of States, Fermi Energy- Electron in a periodic Potential, Bloch Theorem, Kronig-Penny Model (Qualitative Treatment), E-K curve, Origin of Energy Band Formation in Solids, Concept of Effective Mass of an Electron, Classification of Materials into Conductors, Semi Conductors & Insulators.


5. Dielectric Properties: Electric Dipole, Dipole Moment, Dielectric Constant, Polarizability, Electric Susceptibility, Displacement Vector, Electronic, Ionic and Orientation Polarizations and Calculation of Polarizabilities: Ionic and Electronic - Internal Fields in Solids, Clausius - Mossotti Equation, Piezo -electricity and Ferro- electricity.
6. Magnetic Properties & Superconducting Properties: Permeability, Field Intensity, Magnetic Field Induction, Magnetization, Magnetic Susceptibility, Origin of Magnetic Moment, Bohr Magneton, Classification of Dia, Para and Ferro Magnetic Materials on the basis of Magnetic Moment, Domain Theory of Ferro Magnetism on the basis of Hysteresis Curve, Soft and Hard Magnetic Materials, Properties of Anti-Ferro and Ferri Magnetic Materials and their Applications, Superconductivity, Meissner Effect, Effect of Magnetic field, Type-I & Type-II Superconductors, Applications of Superconductors


7.Optics: Interference-Interference in thin films(Reflected light), Newton rings experiment- Fraunhofer diffraction due to single slit, N-slits, Diffraction grating experiment , Double refraction-construction and working, Nicol’s Prism
8. Lasers & Fiber Optics: Characteristics of Lasers, Spontaneous and Stimulated Emission of Radiation, Einstein’s Coefficients and Relation between them, Population Inversion, Lasing Action, Ruby Laser, Helium-Neon Laser, Semiconductor Diode Laser, Applications of Lasers- Principle of Optical Fiber, Construction of fiber, Acceptance Angle and Acceptance Cone, Numerical Aperture, Types of Optical Fibers: Step Index and Graded Index Fibers, Attenuation in Optical Fibers, Application of Optical Fiber in communication systems.


9. Semiconductor Physics: Fermi Level in Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductors, Calculation of carrier concentration in Intrinsic &, Extrinsic Semiconductors, Direct and Indirect Band gap semiconductors, Hall EffectFormation of PN Junction, Open Circuit PN Junction, Energy Diagram of PN Diode, Diode Equation, I-V Characteristics of PN Junction diode, Solar cell, LED & Photo Diodes. Acoustics of Buildings & Acoustic Quieting:, Reverberation and Time of Reverberation, Sabine’s Formula for Reverberation Time, Measurement of Absorption Coefficient of a Material, Factors Affecting The Architectural Acoustics and their Remedies
10. Nanotechnology: Origin of Nanotechnology, Nano Scale, Surface to Volume Ratio, Quantum Confinement, Bottom-up Fabrication: Sol-gel, Top-down Fabrication: Chemical Vapour Deposition, Characterization by TEM.


  1. Engineering Physics,K. Malik, A. K. Singh, Tata Mc Graw Hill Book Publishers
  2. Engineering Physics, V. Rajendran, Tata Mc Graw Hill Book Publishers


  1. Fundamentals of Physics, David Halliday, Robert Resnick, Jearl Walker by John Wiley & Sons
  2. Sears and Zemansky's University Physics (10th Edition) by Hugh D. Young Roger A. Freedman, T. R. Sandin, A. Lewis FordAddison-Wesley Publishers;
  3. Applied Physics for Engineers – P. Madhusudana Rao (Academic Publishing company, 2013)
  4. Solid State Physics – M. Armugam (Anuradha Publications).
  5. Modern Physics – R. Murugeshan & K. Siva Prasath – S. Chand & Co. (for Statistical Mechanics).
  6. A Text Book of Engg Physics – M. N. Avadhanulu & P. G. Khsirsagar– S. Chand & Co. (for acoustics).
  7. Modern Physics by K. Vijaya Kumar, S. Chandralingam: S. Chand & Co.Ltd
  8. Nanotechnology – M.Ratner & D. Ratner (Pearson Ed.).
  9. Introduction to Solid State Physics – C. Kittel (Wiley Eastern).
  10. Solid State Physics – A.J. Dekker (Macmillan).
  11. Applied Physics – Mani Naidu Pearson Education
  • Created
    Aug 13, 2013
  • Updated
    Feb 07, 2015
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