Note: This syllabus is common for EEE, ECE, CSE, EIE, BME, IT, ETE, ECM, ICE, Civil, ME, AE, ME (M), MME, AU, Mining, Petroleum, CEE, ME (Nanotech).
B.Tech. I Year I Sem. L T/P/D C
Course Code: PH103BS 3 0/0/0 3
Course Objectives:
- To understand interaction of light with matter through interference, diffraction and polarization.
- To able to distinguish ordinary light with a laser light and to realize propagation of light through optical fibers.
- To understand various crystal systems and there structures elaborately.
- To study various crystal imperfections and probing methods like X-RD.
Course outcomes: after completion of this course the student is able to
- Realize the importance of light phenomena in thin films and resolution.
- Learn principle, working of various laser systems and light propagation through optical fibers.
- Distinguish various crystal systems and understand atomic packing factor.
- Know the various defects in crystals.
Interference: Coherence, division of amplitude and division of wave front, interference in thin films (transmitted and reflected light), Newton’s rings experiment.
Diffraction: Distinction between Fresnel and Fraunhoffer diffraction, diffraction due to single slit, N-slits, Diffraction grating experiment.
Polarization: Introduction, Malus’s law, double refraction, Nicol prism, Quarter wave and half wave plates.
Lasers: Characteristics of lasers, spontaneous and stimulated emission of radiation, Einstein coefficients, population inversion, ruby laser, helium – neon laser, semi conductor laser, applications of lasers
Fiber Optics: Principle of optical fiber, construction of fiber, acceptance angle and acceptance cone, numerical aperture, types of optical fibers: step index and graded index fibers, attenuation in optical fibers, applications of optical fibers in medicine and sensors.
Crystallography: Space lattice, unit cell and lattice parameters, crystal systems, Bravais lattices, atomic radius, co-ordination number and packing factor of SC, BCC, FCC, HCP and diamond, Miller indices, crystal planes and directions, inter planar spacing of orthogonal crystal systems.
X-ray Diffraction and Defects in Crystals: Bragg’s law, X-ray diffraction methods: Laue method, powder method; point defects: vacancies, substitutional, interstitial, Frenkel and Schottky defects, line defects (qualitative) and Burger’s vector, surface defects: stacking faults, twin, tilt and grain boundaries.
Text Books:
- Physics Vol. 2, Halliday, Resnick and Kramer John wiley and Sons, Edition 4.
- Modern Engineering Physics, K. Vijaya Kumar and S. Chandra Lingam, S. Chand and Co. Pvt. Ltd.
- Introduction to Solid State Physics, Charles Kittel, Wiley Student edition.
Reference Books:
- X-Ray Crystallography, Phillips, John Wiley publishers.
- Waves, Frank S Crawford Jr, Berkeley Physics course, Volume 3.
- Solid State Physics, AJ Dekker, MacMilan Publishers.
- Introduction to Crystallography, Phillips, John Wiley publishers.
CreatedDec 16, 2016
UpdatedDec 16, 2016