Note: This syllabus is common for EEE, ECE, CSE, EIE, BME, IT, ETE, ECM, ICE, Civil, ME, AE, ME (M), MME, AU, Mining, Petroleum, CEE, ME (Nanotech).
B.Tech. I Year I Sem. L T/P/D C
Course Code: ME105ES 3 0/0/0 3
Pre Requisites: None
Course Objectives:
- To understand the resolving forces and moments for a given force system
- To analyze the types of friction for moving bodies and problems related to friction.
- To determine the centroid and second moment of area
Introduction to Mechanics: Basic Concepts, system of Forces Coplanar Concurrent Forces - Components in Space Resultant -Moment of Forces and its Application - Couples and Resultant of Force Systems. Equilibrium of system of Forces: Free body diagrams, Equations of Equilibrium of Coplanar Systems and Spatial Systems.
Friction: Types of friction -Limiting friction -Laws of Friction -static and Dynamic Frictions - Motion of Bodies –Wedge Screw, Screw-jack and differential screw –jack.
Centroid and Center of Gravity: Introduction – Centroids of lines – Centroids of area - Centroids of Composite figures - Theorem of Pappus -Centre of Gravity of Bodies – Centroids of Volumes – Center of gravity of composite bodies.
Area moments of Inertia: Introduction – Definition of Moment of Inertia -Polar Moment of Inertia – Radius of gyration. Transfer Theorem for moment of inertia – Moments of inertia by integration - Moments of Inertia of Composite Figures, Product of Inertia, Transfer Formula for Product of Inertia.
Mass Moment of Inertia: Introduction - Moment of Inertia of Masses – Radius of gyration - Transfer Formula for Mass Moments of Inertia – Mass moments of inertia by integration - Mass moment of inertia of composite bodies.
Virtual Work: Theory of virtual work-Application.
Kinetics: Kinetics of a particle-D’Alemberts principle-Motion in a curved path – work, energy and power. Principle of conservation of energy- Kinetics of rigid body in translation, rotationwork done-Principle of work-energy-Impulse-momentum.
Mechanical Vibrations: Definitions, Concepts-Simple Harmonic motion- free vibrations- Simple and compound pendulums
Text Books:
- Singer’s Engineering Mechanics Statics and Dynamics/ K. Vijaya Kumar Reddy, J. Suresh Kumar/ BSP
- Engineering Mechanics/ Irving Shames, G. Krishna Mohan Rao / Prentice Hall
- Foundations and applications of Engineering Mechanics by HD Ram and AK Chouhan, Cambridge publications.
- A Text of Engineering Mechanics /YVD Rao/ K. Govinda Rajulu/ M. Manzoor Hussain / Academic Publishing Company
- Engineering Mechanics / Bhattacharyya/ Oxford.
CreatedDec 16, 2016
UpdatedDec 16, 2016