Note: This syllabus is common for Civil, ME, AE, ME (M), MME, AU, Mining, Petroleum, CEE, ME (Nanotech).
B.Tech. I Year II Sem. L T/P/D C
4 0/0/0 4
Course Objectives:
- To bring adaptability to new developments in Engineering Chemistry and to acquire the skills required to become a perfect engineer.
- To include the importance of water in industrial usage, significance of corrosion control to protect the structures, polymers and their controlled usage.
- To acquire knowledge of engineering materials and about fuels and batteries.
- To acquire required knowledge about engineering materials like cement, refractories and composites..
Course Outcomes:
- Students will gain the basic knowledge of electrochemical procedures related to corrosion and its control.
- They can understand the basic properties of water and its usage in domestic and industrial purposes.
- They learn the use of fundamental principles to make predictions about the general properties of materials.
- They can predict potential applications of chemistry and practical utility in order to become good engineers and entrepreneurs
Water and its treatment: Introduction – hardness of water – causes of hardness – types of hardness: temporary and permanent – expression and units of hardness – Estimation of hardness of water by complexometric method. Numerical problems. Potable water and its specifications- Steps involved in the treatment of potable water - Disinfection of potable water by chlorination and Ozonization. Defluoridation – Nalgonda technique - Determination of F- ion by ion- selective electrode method.
Boiler troubles: sludges, scales, and Caustic embrittlement. Internal treatment of Boiler feed water – Calgon conditioning – Phosphate conditioning - Colloidal conditioning – Softening of water by ion-exchange processes. Desalination of water – Reverse osmosis. Numerical problems – Sewage water - Steps involved in treatment of sewage.
Electrochemistry: Electrode- electrode potential, standard electrode potential, types of electrodes – Construction and functioning of Standard hydrogen electrode, calomel and glass electrode. Nernst equation - electrochemical series and its applications. Electrochemical cells: Daniel cell – cell notation, cell reaction, and cell emf -– Concept of concentration cells – Electrolyte concentration cell –Numerical problems.
Batteries: Cell and battery - Primary battery (dry cell, alkaline cell and Lithium cell) and Secondary battery (lead acid, Ni-Cd and lithium ion cell), Fuel cells: Hydrogen –oxygen and methanol-oxygen fuel cells – Applications.
Polymers: Definition – Classification of polymers with examples – Types of polymerization – addition (free radical addition) and condensation polymerization with examples.
Plastics: Definition and characteristics- thermoplastic and thermosetting plastics, compounding, and fabrication of plastics (compression and injection moulding). Preparation, Properties, and engineering applications of PVC and Bakelite.
Fibers: Characteristics of fibers – preparation, properties and applications of Nylon-6,6 and Dacron. Fiber reinforced plastics (FRP) – Applications.
Rubbers: Natural rubber and its vulcanization - compounding of rubber.
Elastomers: Characteristics –preparation – properties and applications of Buna-S, Butyl and Thiokol rubber.
Conducting polymers: Characteristics and Classification with examples-mechanism of conduction in trans-polyacetylene and applications of conducting polymers.
Biodegradable polymers: Concept and advantages - Polylactic acid and poly vinyl alcohol and their applications.
Fuels & Combustion: Classification- solid fuels: coal – analysis of coal – proximate and ultimate analysis and their significance. Liquid fuels – petroleum and its refining, cracking – types – moving bed catalytic cracking. Knocking – octane and cetane rating, synthetic petrol - Fischer-Tropsch’s process; Gaseous fuels – composition and uses of natural gas, LPG and CNG. Combustion: Definition, Calorific value of fuel – HCV, LCV; Calculation of air quantity required for combustion of a fuel.
Cement: Portland cement, its composition, setting and hardening of Portland cement.
Special cements: White cement, water proof cement, High alumina cement, and Acid resistant cement.
Refractories: Classification, characteristics of good refractories, Refractoriness, refractoriness under load, porosity, and chemical inertness – applications of refractories.
Lubricants: Classification of lubricants with examples-characteristics of a good lubricants - mechanism of lubrication (thick film, thin film and extreme pressure)- properties of lubricants: viscosity, cloud point, pour point, flash point and fire point.
Composites: Introduction- Constituents of composites – advantages, classification and constituents of composites. Applications of composites.
Text books:
- Engineering Chemistry by P.C. Jain & M. Jain, Dhanpatrai Publishing Company, New Delhi (2010)
- Engineering Chemistry by Rama Devi, Venkata Ramana Reddy and Rath, Cengage learning, New Delhi. (2016)
Reference Books:
- Engineering Chemistry by Shashi Chawla, Dhanpatrai & Company (P) Ltd. Delhi (2011)
- Engineering Chemistry by Shikha Agarwal, Cambridge University Press, Delhi (2015)
- Engineering Chemistry by Thirumala Chary and Laxminarayana, Scitech Publishers, Chennai (2016).
Note: This syllabus is common for EEE, ECE, CSE, EIE, BME, IT, ETE, ECM, ICE.
B.Tech. I Year I Sem. L T/P/D C
Course Code: CH102BS/CH202BS 4 0/0/0 4
Course Objectives:
- To bring adaptability to new developments in Engineering Chemistry and to acquire the skills required to become a perfect engineer.
- To include the importance of water in industrial usage, significance of corrosion control to protect the structures, polymers and their controlled usage.
- To acquire knowledge of engineering materials and about fuels and batteries.
- To acquire required knowledge about engineering materials like cement, refractories and composites..
Course Outcomes:
- Students will gain the basic knowledge of electrochemical procedures related to corrosion and its control.
- They can understand the basic properties of water and its usage in domestic and industrial purposes.
- They learn the use of fundamental principles to make predictions about the general properties of materials.
- They can predict potential applications of chemistry and practical utility in order to become good engineers and entrepreneurs
Water and its treatment: Introduction – hardness of water – causes of hardness – types of hardness: temporary and permanent – expression and units of hardness – Estimation of hardness of water by complexometric method. Numerical problems. Potable water and its specifications- Steps involved in the treatment of potable water - Disinfection of potable water by chlorination and Ozonization. Defluoridation – Nalgonda technique - Determination of F- ion by ion- selective electrode method.
Boiler troubles: sludges, scales, and Caustic embrittlement. Internal treatment of Boiler feed water – Calgon conditioning – Phosphate conditioning - Colloidal conditioning – Softening of water by ion-exchange processes. Desalination of water – Reverse osmosis. Numerical problems – Sewage water - Steps involved in treatment of sewage.
Electrochemistry: Electrode- electrode potential, standard electrode potential, types of electrodes – Construction and functioning of Standard hydrogen electrode, calomel and glass electrode. Nernst equation - electrochemical series and its applications. Electrochemical cells: Daniel cell – cell notation, cell reaction, and cell emf -– Concept of concentration cells – Electrolyte concentration cell –Numerical problems.
Batteries: Cell and battery - Primary battery (dry cell, alkaline cell and Lithium cell) and Secondary battery (lead acid, Ni-Cd and lithium ion cell),
Fuel cells: Hydrogen –oxygen and methanol-oxygen fuel cells – Applications.
Polymers: Definition – Classification of polymers with examples – Types of polymerization – addition (free radical addition) and condensation polymerization with examples.
Plastics: Definition and characteristics- thermoplastic and thermosetting plastics, compounding, and fabrication of plastics (compression and injection moulding). Preparation, Properties, and engineering applications of PVC and Bakelite.
Fibers: Characteristics of fibers – preparation, properties and applications of Nylon-6,6 and Dacron. Fiber reinforced plastics (FRP) – Applications.
Rubbers: Natural rubber and its vulcanization - compounding of rubber.
Elastomers: Characteristics –preparation – properties and applications of Buna-S, Butyl and Thiokol rubber.
Conducting polymers: Characteristics and Classification with examples-mechanism of conduction in trans-polyacetylene and applications of conducting polymers.
Biodegradable polymers: Concept and advantages - Polylactic acid and poly vinyl alcohol and their applications.
Fuels & Combustion: Classification- solid fuels: coal – analysis of coal – proximate and ultimate analysis and their significance. Liquid fuels – petroleum and its refining, cracking – types – moving bed catalytic cracking. Knocking – octane and cetane rating, synthetic petrol - Fischer-Tropsch’s process; Gaseous fuels – composition and uses of natural gas, LPG and CNG. Combustion: Definition, Calorific value of fuel – HCV, LCV; Calculation of air quantity required for combustion of a fuel.
Cement: Portland cement, its composition, setting and hardening of Portland cement.
Special cements: White cement, water proof cement, High alumina cement, and Acid resistant cement.
Refractories: Classification, characteristics of good refractories, Refractoriness, refractoriness under load, porosity, and chemical inertness – applications of refractories.
Lubricants: Classification of lubricants with examples-characteristics of a good lubricants - mechanism of lubrication (thick film, thin film and extreme pressure)- properties of lubricants: viscosity, cloud point, pour point, flash point and fire point.
Composites: Introduction- Constituents of composites – advantages, classification and constituents of composites. Applications of composites.
Text books:
- Engineering Chemistry by P.C. Jain & M. Jain, Dhanpatrai Publishing Company, New Delhi (2010)
- Engineering Chemistry by Rama Devi, Venkata Ramana Reddy and Rath, Cengage learning, New Delhi. (2016)
Reference Books:
- Engineering Chemistry by Shashi Chawla, Dhanpatrai & Company (P) Ltd. Delhi (2011)
- Engineering Chemistry by Shikha Agarwal, Cambridge University Press, Delhi (2015)
- Engineering Chemistry by Thirumala Chary and Laxminarayana, Scitech Publishers, Chennai (2016).
CreatedDec 15, 2016
UpdatedDec 16, 2016