III Year B.Tech. ECE I - Sem L T/P/D C 
4 -/-/- 4

Course Objectives: 

UNIT - I: 

Block Schemantics of Measuring Systems: Performance characteristics, Static characteristics, Accuracy, Precision, Resolution, Types of Errors, Gaussian Error, Root Sum Squares formula, Dynamic Characteristics, Repeatability, Reproducibility, Fidelity, Lag; Measuring Instruments: DC Voltmeters, D' Arsonval Movement, DC Current Meters, AC Voltmeters and Current Meters, Ohmmeters, Multimeters, Meter Protection, Extension of Range, True RMS Responding Voltmeters, Specifications of Instruments.

UNIT - II:  

Signal Analyzers: AF, HF Wave Analyzers, Harmonic Distortion, Heterodyne wave Analyzers, Spectrum Analyzers, Power Analyzers, Capacitance-Voltage Meters, Oscillators. Signal Generators: AF, RF Signal Generators, Sweep Frequency Generators, Pulse and Square wave Generators, Function Generators, Arbitrary waveform Generator, Video Signal Generators, and Specifications.


Oscilloscopes: CRT, Block Schemantic of CRO, Time Base Circuits, Lissajous Figures, CRO Probes, High Frequency CRO Considerations, Delay lines, Applications: Measurement of Time, Period and Frequency Specifications.

Special Purpose Oscilloscopes: Dual Trace, Dual Beam CROs, Sampling Oscilloscopes, Strorage Oscilloscopes, Digital Storage CROs.


Transuducers: Classification, Strain Gauges, Bounded, unbounded; Force and Displacement Transducers, Resistance Thermometers, Hotwire Anemometers, LVDT, Thermocouples, Synchros, Special Resistance Thermometers, Digital Temperatue sensing system, Piezoelectric Transducers, Variable Capacitance Transducers, Magneto Strictive Transducers. 

UNIT - V: 

Bridges: Wheat Stone Bridge, Kelvin Bridge, and Maxwell Bridge.

Measurement of Physical Parameters: Flow Measurement, Displacement Meters, Liquid level Measurement, Measurement of Humidity and Moisture, Velocity, Force, Pressure - High Pressure, Vacuum level, Temperature - Measurements, Data Acqisition Systems.


  1. Electronic instrumentation: H.S.Kalsi - TMH, 2nd Edition 2004. 
  2. Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques: A.D. Helbincs, W.D. Cooper: PHI, 5th Edition, 2003. 


  1. Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements - David A. Bell, Oxford Uiv. Press, 1997.
  2. Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation: B. M. Oliver, J. M. Cage TMH Reprint.
  3. Measurement Systems - Emest O. Doebelin and Dhanesh N Manik, 6th Ed., TMH.
  4. Electronic Measurements and Instrumentations by K. Lal Kishore, Pearson Education - 2010.
  5. Industrial Instrumentation: T. R. Padmanabham Spiriger 2009.

Course Outcomes:

Upon a successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  • Describe the fundamental concepts and principles of instrumentation.
  • Explain the operations of the various instruments required in measurements.
  • Apply the measurement techniques for different types of tests.
  • To select specific instrument for specific measurement function.
  • Understand principle of operation, working of different electronic instruments like digital  multi meter, vector voltmeter.
  • Learners will apply knowledge of different oscilloscopes like CRO, DSO.
  • Students will understand functioning, specification, and applications of signal analyzing instruments.
  • Created
    Jun 06, 2015
  • Updated
    Jun 06, 2015
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