Note: This syllabus is same for BME, CSE, ECE, EEE, EIE, Electronics and Computer Engineering, ETM, ICE, IT/CST, Mechanical Engineering (Mechatronics).
II Year B.Tech. ECE - I Sem L T/P/D C
4 -/-/- 4
This is a fundamental course, basic knowledge of which is required by all the circuit branch engineers. This
course focuses:
- To familiarize the student with the principle of operation, analysis and design of Junction diode, BJT and FET amplifier circuits, transistors and field effect transistors.
- To understand diode as rectifier.
- To study basic principle of filter circuits and various types.
P-N Junction Diode: Qualitative Theory of P-N Junction, P-N Junction as a Diode, Diode Equation, Volt- Ampere Characteristics, Temperature dependence of VI characteristic, Ideal versus Practical – Resistance levels
(Static and Dynamic), Transition and Diffusion Capacitances, Diode Equivalent Circuits, Load Line Analysis, Breakdown Mechanisms in Semiconductor Diodes, Zener Diode Characteristics.
Special Purpose Electronic Devices: Principle of Operation and Characteristics of Tunnel Diode (with the help of Energy Band Diagram), Varactor Diode, SCR and Semiconductor Photo Diode.
Rectifiers and Filters : The P-N junction as a Rectifier, Half wave Rectifier, Full wave Rectifier, Bridge Rectifier, Harmonic components in a Rectifier Circuit, Inductor Filters, Capacitor Filters, L- Section Filters, π- Section Filters, Comparision of Filters, Voltage Regulation using Zener Diode.
Bipolar Junction Transistor and UJT: The Junction Transistor, Transistor Current Components, Transistor as an Amplifier, Transistor Construction, BJT Operation, BJT Symbol, Common Base, Common Emitter and Common Collector Configurations, Limits of Operation , BJT Specifications, BJT Hybrid Model, Determination of h-parameters from Transistor Characteristics, Comparison of CB, CE, and CC Amplifier Configurations, UJT and Characteristics.
Transistor Biasing and Stabilization: Operating Point, The DC and AC Load lines, Need for Biasing, Fixed Bias, Collector Feedback Bias, Emitter Feedback Bias, Collector - Emitter Feedback Bias, Voltage Divider Bias, Bias Stability, Stabilization Factors, Stabilization against variations in VBE and β, Bias Compensation using Diodes and Transistors, Thermal Runaway, Thermal Stability, Analysis of a Transistor Amplifier Circuit using h - Parameters.
Field Effect Transistor and FET Amplifiers
Field Effect Transistor: The Junction Field Effect Transistor (Construction, principle of operation, symbol) – Pinch-off Voltage - Volt-Ampere characteristics, The JFET Small Signal Model, MOSFET (Construction, principle of operation, symbol), MOSFET Characteristics in Enhancement and Depletion modes.
FET Amplifiers: FET Common Source Amplifier, Common Drain Amplifier, Generalized FET Amplifier, Biasing FET, FET as Voltage Variable Resistor, Comparison of BJT and FET.
- Millman’s Electronic Devices and Circuits – J. Millman, C.C.Halkias, and Satyabrata Jit, 2 Ed.,1998, TMH.
- Electronic Devices and Circuits – Mohammad Rashid, Cengage Learing, 2013
- Electronic Devices and Circuits – David A. Bell, 5 Ed, Oxford.
- Integrated Electronics – J. Millman and Christos C. Halkias, 1991 Ed., 2008, TMH.
- Electronic Devices and Circuits – R.L. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, 9 Ed., 2006, PEI/PHI.
- Electronic Devices and Circuits – B. P. Singh, Rekha Singh, Pearson, 2 Ed, 2013.
- Electronic Devices and Circuits - K. Lal Kishore, 2 Ed., 2005, BSP.
- Electronic Devices and Circuits – Anil K. Maini, Varsha Agarwal, 1 Ed., 2009, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
- Electronic Devices and Circuits – S.Salivahanan, N.Suresh Kumar, A.Vallavaraj, 2 Ed., 2008, TMH.
- Understand and Analyse the different types of diodes, operation and its characteristics.
- Design and analyse the DC bias circuitry of BJT and FET.
- Design biasing circuits using diodes and transistors.
- To analyze and design diode application circuits, amplifier circuits and oscillators employing BJT, FET devices.
CreatedFeb 08, 2015
UpdatedAug 05, 2016