Note: This syllabus is same for BME, ECE, EEE, EIE, Electronics and Computer Engineering, ETM, ICE, Mechanical Engineering (Mechatronics).

II Year B.Tech. ECE - I Sem L T/P/D C
- - -/3/- 2


PART A: (Only for Viva-voce Examination)

Electronic Workshop Practice (In 3 Lab Sessions):

  1. Identification, Specifications, Testing of R, L, C Components (Color Codes), Potentiometers, Switches (SPDT, DPDT, and DIP), Coils, Gang Condensers, Relays, Bread Boards, PCB’s
  2. Identification, Specifications and Testing of Active Devices, Diodes, BJT’s, Low power JFET’s, MOSFET’s, Power Transistors, LED’s, LCD’s, SCR, UJT.
  3. Study and operation of
    1. Multimeters (Analog and Digital)
    2. Function Generator
    3. Regulated Power Supplies
    4. CRO.

PART B: (For Laboratory Examination – Minimum of 10 experiments)

  1. Forward & Reverse Bias Characteristics of PN Junction Diode.
  2. Zener diode characteristics and Zener as voltage Regulator.
  3. Input & Output Characteristics of Transistor in CB Configuration and h-parameter calculations.
  4. Input & Output Characteristics of Transistor in CE Configuration and h-parameter calculations.
  5. Half Wave Rectifier with & without filters.
  6. Full Wave Rectifier with & without filters.
  7. FET characteristics.
  8. Design of Self-bias circuit.
  9. Frequency Response of CC Amplifier.
  10. Frequency Response of CE Amplifier.
  11. Frequency Response of Common Source FET amplifier .
  12. SCR characteristics.
  13. UJT Characteristics

PART C: Equipment required for Laboratories:

1. Regulated Power supplies (RPS) 0-30 V
2. CRO’s 0-20 MHz
3. Function Generators 0-1 MHz
4. Multimeters  
5. Decade Resistance Boxes/Rheostats  
6. Decade Capacitance Boxes  
7. Ammeters (Analog or Digital) 0-20 μA, 0-50μA, 0-100μA, 0-200μA, 0-10 mA
8. Voltmeters (Analog or Digital) 0-50V, 0-100V, 0-250V
9. Electronic Components Resistors, Capacitors, BJTs, LCDs, SCRs, UJTs, FETs,LEDs, MOSFETs, Diodes- Ge& Si type, Transistors – NPN, PNP type
  • Created
    Feb 08, 2015
  • Updated
    Aug 05, 2016
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