II Year B.Tech. ECE. I-Sem T P C 
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List of Experiments ( Twelve experiments to be done) : I) Design and Simulation in Simulation Laboratory using Multisim OR Pspice OR Equivalent Simulation Software. (Any Six): 

1. Common Emitter and Common Source amplifier 
2. Two Stage RC Coupled Amplifier 
3. Current shunt and Feedback Amplifier 
4. Cascade Amplifier 
5. Wien Bridge Oscillator using Transistors 
6. RC Phase Shift Oscillator using Transistors 
7. Class A Power Amplifier (Transformer less) 
8. Class B Complementary Symmetry Amplifier 
9. High Frequency Common base (BJT) / Common gate(JFET) Amplifier. 
II) Testing in the Hardware Laboratory (Six Experiments : 3 + 3) : 

A) Any Three circuits simulated in Simulation laboratory 
B) Any Three of the following 
1. Class A Power Amplifier (with transformer load) 
2. Class B Power Amplifier 
3. Single Tuned Voltage Amplifier 
4. Series Voltage Regulator 
5. Shunt Voltage Regulator 
Equipments required for Laborataries: 

1. For software simultation of Electronic circuits 
i) Computer Systems with latest specifications 
ii) Connected in Lan (Optional) 
iii) Operating system (Windows XP) 
iv) Simulations software (Multisim/TINAPRO) Package 

2. For Hardware simulations of Electronic Circuits 
i) RPSs 
ii) CROs 
iii) Functions Generators 
iv) Multimeters 
v) Components 

  • Created
    Aug 13, 2013
  • Updated
    Aug 13, 2013
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