II Year B.Tech. ECE. II-Sem L T/P/D C 
- -/3/- 2 

List of Experiments ( 16 experiments to be done) : 

Part - I: Electronic Circuits

Minimum eight experiments to be conducted:

I) Design and Simulation in Simulation Laboratory using any Simulation Software. (Minimum 6 Experiments): 

  1. Common Emitter Amplifier.
  2. Common Source Amplifier.
  3. Two Stage RC Coupled Amplifier 
  4. Current shunt and Voltage Feedback Amplifier 
  5. Cascade Amplifier.
  6. Wien Bridge Oscillator using Transistors 
  7. RC Phase Shift Oscillator using Transistors 
  8. Class A Power Amplifier (Transformer less) 
  9. Class B Complementary Symmetry Amplifier 
  10. Common base (BJT) / Common gate(JFET) Amplifier. 

II) Testing in the Hardware Laboratory (Minimum 2 Experiments): 

  1. Class A Power Amplifier (with transformer load) 
  2. Class C Power Amplifier 
  3. Single Tuned Voltage Amplifier 
  4. Hartley & Colpitt's Oscillators
  5. Darlington Pair
  6. MOS CommonSource Amplifier

Equipments required for Laborataries: 

  1. For software simultation of Electronic circuits 
    1. Computer Systems with latest specifications 
    2. Connected in Lan (Optional) 
    3. Operating system (Windows XP) 
    4. Suitable Simulations software 
  2. For Hardware simulations of Electronic Circuits 
    1. Reulated Power Supply (0-30V) 
    2. CROs 
    3. Functions Generators 
    4. Multimeters 
    5. Components
  3. Windows Xp/ Linux etc.

Part - II: Pulse Circuits

Minimum eight experiments to be conducted:

  1. Linear Wave Shaping.
    1. RC Low Pass Circuit for different timeconstants.
    2. RC High Pass Circuit for different timeconstants.
  2. Non - Linear Wave Shaping.
    1. Transfer Characteristics and response of Clippers:
      1. Positive and Negative Clippers
      2. Clipping at two independent levels
    2. The Steady state output waveform of clsmpers for a square wave input
      1. Positive and Negative Clampers
      2. Clamping at reference voltage
  3. Comparision Operation of Comparators
  4. Switching characteristics of a transistor
  5. Design a Bistable Multivibrator and draw its waveforms
  6. Design a Astable Multivibrator and draw its waveforms
  7. Design a Monostable Multivibrator and draw its waveforms
  8. Response of Schmitt Trier circuit forloop gain less than and grater than one
  9. UJT relaxation Oscillator
  10. The output-voltage waveform of Boot strap sweep circuit.
  11. The output-Voltage waveform of Miller Sweep Circuit 

Equipment required for Laborataries: 

  1. Reulated Power Supply (0-30V) 
  2. CROs 
  3. Functions Generators 
  4. Multimeters 
  5. Components
  • Created
    Dec 28, 2014
  • Updated
    Dec 28, 2014
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