II Year B.Tech. ECE. II-Sem L T/P/D C
- -/3/- 2
List of Experiments ( 16 experiments to be done) :
Part - I: Electronic Circuits
Minimum eight experiments to be conducted:
I) Design and Simulation in Simulation Laboratory using any Simulation Software. (Minimum 6 Experiments):
- Common Emitter Amplifier.
- Common Source Amplifier.
- Two Stage RC Coupled Amplifier
- Current shunt and Voltage Feedback Amplifier
- Cascade Amplifier.
- Wien Bridge Oscillator using Transistors
- RC Phase Shift Oscillator using Transistors
- Class A Power Amplifier (Transformer less)
- Class B Complementary Symmetry Amplifier
- Common base (BJT) / Common gate(JFET) Amplifier.
II) Testing in the Hardware Laboratory (Minimum 2 Experiments):
- Class A Power Amplifier (with transformer load)
- Class C Power Amplifier
- Single Tuned Voltage Amplifier
- Hartley & Colpitt's Oscillators
- Darlington Pair
- MOS CommonSource Amplifier
Equipments required for Laborataries:
- For software simultation of Electronic circuits
- Computer Systems with latest specifications
- Connected in Lan (Optional)
- Operating system (Windows XP)
- Suitable Simulations software
- For Hardware simulations of Electronic Circuits
- Reulated Power Supply (0-30V)
- CROs
- Functions Generators
- Multimeters
- Components
- Windows Xp/ Linux etc.
Part - II: Pulse Circuits
Minimum eight experiments to be conducted:
- Linear Wave Shaping.
- RC Low Pass Circuit for different timeconstants.
- RC High Pass Circuit for different timeconstants.
- Non - Linear Wave Shaping.
- Transfer Characteristics and response of Clippers:
- Positive and Negative Clippers
- Clipping at two independent levels
- The Steady state output waveform of clsmpers for a square wave input
- Positive and Negative Clampers
- Clamping at reference voltage
- Transfer Characteristics and response of Clippers:
- Comparision Operation of Comparators
- Switching characteristics of a transistor
- Design a Bistable Multivibrator and draw its waveforms
- Design a Astable Multivibrator and draw its waveforms
- Design a Monostable Multivibrator and draw its waveforms
- Response of Schmitt Trier circuit forloop gain less than and grater than one
- UJT relaxation Oscillator
- The output-voltage waveform of Boot strap sweep circuit.
- The output-Voltage waveform of Miller Sweep Circuit
Equipment required for Laborataries:
- Reulated Power Supply (0-30V)
- CROs
- Functions Generators
- Multimeters
- Components
CreatedDec 28, 2014
UpdatedDec 28, 2014