II Year B.Tech. ECE -II Sem L T/P/D C
4 -/-/- 4
Course Objectives:
The course objective are:
- To introduce the student to the fundamental theory and concept of electromagnetic waves and transmission lines, and their practical applications.
- To study the propagation, reflection, and transmission of plane waves in bounded unbounded media.
Electrostatics: Coulomb's Law, Electric Field Intensity - Fields due to Different Charge Distributions, Electric Flux Density, Gauss Law and Applications, Electric Potential, Relations Between E and V, Maxwell's Two Equations for Electrostatic Fields, Energy Density, Illustrative Problems, Convection and Conduction Current, Dielectric Constant, Iotropic and Homogeneous Dielectrics, Continuity Equation, Relaxation Time, Poisson's and Laplace's Equations; Capacitance - Parallel plate, Coaxial, Spherical Capacitors, Illustrative Problems.
Magnetostatics: Biot - Savart's Law , Ampere's Circuital Law and Applications, Magnetic Flux Density, Maxwell's Two Equations for Magnetostatic Fields, Magnetic Scalar and Vector Potentials, Forces due to Magnetic Fields, Ampere's Force Law, Inductance and Magnetic Energy, Illustrative Problem.
Maxwell's Equations (Time Varying Fields): Faraday's Law and Transformer EMF, Inconsistency of Ampere's Law and Displacement Current Density, Maxwell's Equations in Differrent Final Forms and Word Stratements, Conditions at a Boundry Surface: Dielectric - Dielectric and Dielectric - Conductor Interfaces, Illustrative Problems.
EM Wave Characteristics - I: Wave Equations for Conducting and Perfect Dielectric Media, Uniform Plane Waves - Definition, All Relations Between E & H, Sinusoidal Variations, Wave Propagation in Lossless and Conducting Media, Conductors & Dielectrics - Characterization, Wave Propagation in Good Conductors and Good Dielectrics, Polarization, Illustrative Problems.
EM Wave Characteristics - II: Reflection and Refraction of Plane Waves - Normal and Oblique Incidence for both perfect Conductor and perfect Delectrics, Brewster Angle, Critical Angle and Total Internal Reflection, Surface Impedance, Poynting Vector and Poynting Theorem - Applications, Power Loss in a Plane Conductor., Illustrative Problems.
Transmission Lines - I: Types, Parameters, Transmission Line Equations, Primary & Secondary Constants, Expressions for Characteristics Impedence, Propagation Constant, Phase and Group Velocities, Infinite Line Concepts, Losslessness/Low Loss Characterization, Distortion - Condition for Distortionlessness and Minimum Attenuation, Loading - Types of Loading, Illustrative Problems.
Transmission Lines - II: Input Impedance Relations, SC and OC Lines, Reflection Coefficient, VSWR. UHF Lines as Circuits Elements; ?/4, ?/2, ?/8 Lines - Impedance Transformations, Significance of Zmin and Zmax, Smith Chart - Configuration and Applications, Single and Double Stub Matching, Illustrative Problems.
- Elements of Electromagnetics - Matthew N. O. Sadiku, 4th., Oxford Univ. Press.
- Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems - E.C. Jordan and K. G. Balmain, 2nd Ed., 2000, PHI.
- Transmission Lines and Networks - Umesh Sinha, Satya prakashan, 2001, (Tech. India Publications), New Delhi.
- Engineering Electromagnetics - Nathan Ida, 2ndEd., 2005, Springer (India) Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
- Engineering Electromagnetics - William H. Hay Jr. and John A. Buck, 7thEd., 2006, TMH.
- Electromagnetics Fields Theory and Transmission Lines - G. Dashibhushana Rao, Wiley India, 2013.
- Networks, Lines and Fields - John D. Ryder, 2ndEd., 1999, PHI.
Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- Study time varying Maxwell's equtions and their applications in electromagnetic problems.
- Determine the relationship between time varying electric and magnetic fields and electromotive force.
- Analyze basic transmissions line parameters in phasor domain.
- Use Maxwells equations to describe the propagation of electromagnetic waves in vaccum.
- Show how waves propagate in Dielectrics and lossy media.
- Demonstrate the reflection and refraction of waves at boundaries.
- Explain the wave guide operation and parameters.
CreatedDec 28, 2014
UpdatedDec 28, 2014