B.Tech. II Year I Sem. L T P C
4 1 0 4
Prerequisite: Mathematics II & Physics II
Course Objectives:
- To introduce the concepts of electric field, magnetic field.
- Applications of electric and magnetic fields in the development of the theory for power transmission lines and electrical machines.
Course Outcomes: upon completion of course, student will be able to
- Apply vector calculus to static electric – magnetic fields.
- Compute the force, fields & Energy for different charge & current configurations & evaluate capacitance and inductance
- Analyze Maxwell’s equation in different forms (Differential and integral) in Electrostatic, Magnetic time varying fields
Electrostatics: Electrostatic Fields – Coulomb’s Law – Electric Field Intensity (EFI) – EFI due to a line and a surface charge – Work done in moving a point charge in an electrostatic field – Electric Potential – Properties of potential function – Potential gradient – Guass’s law – Application of Guass’s Law – Maxwell’s first law, div (D) = v – Laplace’s and Poison’s equations – Solution of Laplace’s equation in one variable. Electric dipole – Dipole moment – potential and EFI due to an electric dipole – Torque on an Electric dipole in an electric field – Behavior of conductors in an electric field – Conductors and Insulators
Dielectrics & Capacitance: Behavior of conductors in an electric field – Conductors and Insulators – Electric field inside a dielectric material – polarization – Dielectric – Conductor and Dielectric – Dielectric boundary conditions – Capacitance – Capacitance of parallel plots – spherical co-axial capacitors – with composite dielectrics – Energy stored and energy density in a static electric field – Current density – conduction and Convection current densities – Ohm’s law in point form – Equation of continuity
Magneto Statics: Static magnetic fields – Biot-Savart’s law – Magnetic field intensity (MFI) – MFI due to a straight current carrying filament – MFI due to circular, square and solenoid current – Carrying wire – Relation between magnetic flux, magnetic flux density and MFI – Maxwell’s second Equation, div(B) = 0,
Ampere’s Law & Applications: Ampere’s circuital law and its applications viz. MFI due to an infinite sheet of current and a long current carrying filament – Point form of Ampere’s circuital law – Maxwell’s third equation, Curl (H) = Jc
Force in Magnetic fields and Magnetic Potential: Magnetic force - Moving charges in a Magnetic field – Lorentz force equation – force on a current element in a magnetic field – Force on a straight and a long current carrying conductor in a magnetic field – Force between two straight long and parallel current carrying conductors – Magnetic dipole and dipole moment – a differential current loop as a magnetic dipole – Torque on a current loop placed in a magnetic field Scalar Magnetic potential and its limitations – vector magnetic potential and its properties – vector magnetic potential due to simple configurations – vector Poisson’s equations.
Self and Mutual inductance – Neumann’s formulae – determination of self-inductance of a solenoid and toroid and mutual inductance between a straight long wire and a square loop wire in the same plane – energy stored and density in a magnetic field. Introduction to permanent magnets, their characteristics and applications.
Time Varying Fields: Time varying fields – Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction – Its integral and point forms – Maxwell’s fourth equation, Curl (E) = -B/
t – Statically and Dynamically induced EMFs – Simple problems -Modification of Maxwell’s equations for time varying fields – Displacement current
- “William H. Hayt& John. A. Buck”, “Engineering Electromagnetics” ,Mc. Graw-Hill Companies, 7th Edition, 2009.
- “Sadiku”, “Electromagnetic Fields”, Oxford Publications, 4th Edition, 2009.
- “CR Paul and S. A. Nasar”, “Introduction to Electromagnetic”, Mc-Graw Hill Publications, 3rd Edition, 1997.
- “Nathan Ida”, “Engineering Electromagnetic”, Springer (India) Pvt. Ltd. 2nd Edition, 2015.
- “D J Griffiths”, “Introduction to Electro Dynamics”, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, 3rd edition, 1999.
- D J Griffiths”, “Introduction to Electro Dynamics”, Pearson New International, 4th edition, 2014.
- “J. D Kraus”, “Electromagnetics”, Mc Graw-Hill Inc. 4th edition, 1992.
CreatedJun 16, 2017
UpdatedJun 16, 2017