II Year B.Tech. Ag. Engg I Sem. L T/P/D C
4 -/-/- 4

Unit - I:

Independent, Dependent Sources and Kirchoff’s Laws, Maxwell’s Loop current method and its problems, Nodal Voltage Method and its problems, Thevenin’s Theorem and its problems, Norton’s Theorem and its problems, Superposition Theorem and its problems, Reciprocity and Maximum power Transfer, Star-Delta Conversion Method and its problems.

Unit - II:

Solution of DC circuit by Network Theorems, Sinusoidal steady state response of circuits, Instantaneous and Average Methods, Concept of Power Factor, Reactive and Apparent Poser, Concept and Analysis of Balanced Polyphase circuits, Laplace Transform method of finding step response of DC circuits, Series and Parallel Resonance.

Unit - III:

Electromotive force, Reluctance, Magnetic circuit, Determination of Ampere Turn Hysteretic losses and eddy current losses, Transformer-working principle, Construction of single phase transformer, EMF equation of transfer, Core type transformer, shall type and difference between shell and core type transformer, Electric circuit, dielectric insulation, leakage reactance in transformer. Voltage regulation, transformer test, open circuit and short circuit tests, Losses in a transformer efficiency of transformer, condition for maximum efficiency, Equivalent circuit of transformer, theory of an ideal transformer, Phaser diagram of an ideal transformer, transformer on non load, Phaser diagram of transformer on load, problems solved.

Unit - IV:

DC Generator, Principle of working construction, field system, armature, Commentator, other accessories of DC generator, EMF equation of DC generator, Torque equation, DC armature winding, lap winding wave winding terms used in armature winding, Armature reaction, Demagnetizing & Cross magnetizing ampere turns, methods of compensating armature reaction. Excitation of DC generator-shunt generator, series generator, compound generator, Commutation-Resistance commutation, EMF commutation, Characteristics of DC generatorseparately exited, shunt, series, compound generator, DC Motor-working principle, value of back EMF, voltage equation of DC motor, Characteristics of DC motor–Characteristics of series, shunt, compound motor, Torque of DC motor, Armature Torque, shaft Torque-efficiency of DC motor.

Unit - V:

Factors controlling the speed, Flux control and armature control of shunt motors, Motors starters and their necessity, shunt motor and series motor starter, Principle of operation of single phase induction motor, double field revolving theory Equivalent circuit of single phase induction motor without core loss and with core loss, Single phase – split induction motor, shaded pole, motor, Power factor, disadvantage low power factor, power factor improvement. Measurement of power in three phase system, single watt meter, two watt meter method, Measurement of power in single phase system, using current transformer and voltage transformer, Three phase induction motor – working principle, production of rotation field, Construction – Starter, rotor, operation, Torque equation, Starting (DOL, Autotransformer, Star delta starter) and speed control methods.


  1. A text book of Electrical Technology Vol. II -Theraja BL & Theraja A K 2005. S. Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi.


  1. Basic Electrical Engineering, ANWANI M L 1997. Dhanpat Rai & Co. (P) Ltd. New Delhi.
  2. Electrical Engineering Fundamentals, Vincent DelToro 2000. Prientice – Hall of India (P) Ltd., New Delhi
  • Created
    Jul 29, 2016
  • Updated
    Jul 29, 2016
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