III Year B.Tech EEE I-Sem T P C 
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The following experiments are required to be conducted as compulsory experiments: 

1. O.C. & S.C. Tests on Single phase Transformer 
2. Sumpner’s test on a pair of single phase transformers 
3. Scott connection of transformers 
4. No-load & Blocked rotor tests on three phase Induction motor 
5. Regulation of a three –phase alternator by synchronous impedance & m.m.f. methods 
6. V and Inverted V curves of a three—phase synchronous motor. 
7. Equivalent Circuit of a single phase induction motor 
8. Determination of Xdand Xq of a salient pole synchronous machine 

In addition to the above eight experiments, atleast any two of the following experiments are required to be conducted from the following list: 

1. Parallel operation of Single phase Transformers 
2. Separation of core losses of a single phase transformer 
3. Brake test on three phase Induction Motor 
4. Regulation of three-phase alternator by Z.P.F. and A.S.A methods 
5. Efficiency of a three-phase alternator 
6. Heat run test on a bank of 3 Nos. of single phase Delta connected transformers 
7. Measurement of sequence impedance of a three-phase alternator. 
8. Performance characteristics of a Schrage motor

  • Created
    Aug 24, 2013
  • Updated
    Jun 14, 2015
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