B.Tech. II Year I Sem. L T P C
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Prerequisite: Electrical Machines-I

Course Objectives:

  • To expose the students to the operation of DC Generator
  • To expose the students to the operation of DC Motor.
  • To examine the self excitation in DC generators.

Course Outcomes: After completion of this lab the student is able to

  • Start and control the Different DC Machines.
  • Assess the performance of different machines using different testing methods
  • Identify different conditions required to be satisfied for self - excitation of DC Generators.
  • Separate iron losses of DC machines into different components

The following experiments are required to be conducted compulsory experiments:

  1. Magnetization characteristics of DC shunt generator. Determination of critical field resistance and critical speed.
  2. Load test on DC shunt generator. Determination of characteristics.
  3. Load test on DC series generator. Determination of characteristics.
  4. Load test on DC compound generator. Determination of characteristics.
  5. Hopkinson’s test on DC shunt machines. Predetermination of efficiency.
  6. Fields test on DC series machines. Determination of efficiency.
  7. Swinburne’s test and speed control of DC shunt motor. Predetermination of efficiencies.
  8. Brake test on DC compound motor. Determination of performance curves.

In addition to the above eight experiments, at least any two of the experiments from the following list are required to be conducted:

  1. Brake test on DC shunt motor. Determination of performance curves.
  2. Retardation test on DC shunt motor. Determination of losses at rated speed.
  3. Separation of losses in DC shunt motor.
  • Created
    Jun 16, 2017
  • Updated
    Jun 16, 2017
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